Question (Resolved) No signal after installing Nvidia drivers

Mar 22, 2019
I installed Nvidia drivers for my 1030, the monitor shows no signal it boots it posts, but no signal, works when I uninstall, the nvidia drivers and connect the dvi cable to the card, also works when I connect the vga cable, it only shows no signal when I install the graphic drivers software,
Also it's a new card 6 days back, also it was working fine for few days, it just stopped working when I switched it on yesterday.
4gb ram
I3 4170
Acer H81m1 (PGT)
Monitor acer dnt know the model no.

Also iv tried using an earlier driver too, it's displaying the same problem. Also did the bios reset , and updated softwares drivers and uninstalled any new programs installed.
Can you state the SKU to your Acer prebuilt system? Are you on the stock PSU that came with the prebuilt? Are you on the latest BIOS update for your motherboard/platform?

I got a different psu from my old pc, it's 500w, also iv updated the bios and did d cmos reset as well. I do not know about d sku of my system, d stock came wid a 250 w psu, also I think it's an assembled pc imo.
I got d card today it's a gigabyte 1030, I also changed d psu to a 250 watt, it seems to work fine nw, although I have another question that will the power supply be ample, if I'm running two hrd disks 1tb n 500, no other drives.
Okay so I got the new card a gigabyte it worked for 2 days on d 3rd that is today it stopped working same error, I observed it didn't even install one new programme why why on the 3rd day every time on the 3rd day.
Okay I connected to my tv with an hdmi, it works it's not supporting dvi cables after the drivers, also I don't understand it was working with dvi cables now it isn't but it's working now. Thank you forum guys ur cool.