Question Restoring backed up files to different drive, file system ?


Apr 28, 2014
[Modertor edit: moving post from Windows 10 to Storage. More applicable category.]

I created a one time backup of folders and files on an external drive which is exFAT . Now when I want Windows to restore to a different location on that drive, error, "destination must be NTFS. " The backup was created on the exFAT and is visible in explorer but not in usable form. Since the creation worked I am skeptical about this issue. I could try restoring to a different NTFS drive but not convenient. Also, if I do that, does the backup folder remain unchanged?
[Modertor edit: moving post from Windows 10 to Storage. More applicable category.]

I created a one time backup of folders and files on an external drive which is exFAT . Now when I want Windows to restore to a different location on that drive, error, "destination must be NTFS. " The backup was created on the exFAT and is visible in explorer but not in usable form. Since the creation worked I am skeptical about this issue. I could try restoring to a different NTFS drive but not convenient. Also, if I do that, does the backup folder remain unchanged?
How did you back them up, just copied or used some program ?
I actually just made this batch file over the weekend to copy files from a computer to the server at work. One of our cad guys likes to only work local and then not save any of his work back to the server.

@Echo off
if not DEFINED IS_MINIMIZED set IS_MINIMIZED=1 && start "" /min "%~dpnx0" %* && exit

XCOPY /c /d /e /s /i /y "C:\content\*.*" "H:\USERS\JKB\content\"


/c Ignores errors
/d only copies files that have changed
/e Copies all subdirectories, even if they're empty. Use /e with the /s and /t command-line options
/s Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they're empty. If you omit /s, xcopy works within a single directory
/i If source is a directory or contains wildcards and destination doesn't exist, xcopy assumes destination specifies a directory name and creates a new directory. Then, xcopy copies all specified files into the new
directory. By default, xcopy prompts you to specify whether destination is a file or a directory.
/y Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.

and i will normally throw in a /q Suppresses the display of xcopy messages. but i wanted to see what was bing copied.

I have this tied to task scheduler to run every night at 6pm on his computer so i makes sure new files are on the server before they themselves do backups for the night.