Retailers Adopt PayPal App for In-store Payments in the UK

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How much does the seller pay for accepting such payments? same as online? then it is too expensive... regular POS terminal transactions cost 0.6-1.2%
good idea but isn't screen on phone glossy? so I am not sure if all bar code readers will work. Also what if your bar code get hijacked? does it change everyday? and if your phone is offline does the bar code remain active so you can make a purchase? Maybe bar code remains active until a new one is downloaded? or maybe the barcode uses the same technology as veresign secure id (VIP)
too late.
Paypal might be good for the payer, but the seller get screw big time with paypal and paypal is going down at such fast rate that it is unbelievable.
is hard to accept paypal payment when you have no protection at all what so ever.

I used to accept paypal for customer paying until i started to get scammed, People would pay and then after receiving the merchandise would put a claim With their card holder, At that point paypal would not move a finger for you. They can't they have no way to protect you or fight that claim. The card holder bank will always win. I lost about 12,000 USD in merchandise in a single month with paypal.
to those who might say something, paypal doesn't have verifone. All their transaction goes as electronically, so even a terminal transaction or a supposed swiped transaction can be cancelled by the cardholder bank
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