I want to copy data from an old drive to a new PC with a Sabrent adapter.
I've got an old Western Digital WD4OO IDE drive.
The 40 pin connector of the far left.
The 10 pin (5 over 5) next (middle group) the jumper group
The 4 pin power connection on the far right.
This Drive was my ‘C’ drive (and only drive) in my old PC.
Therefore, I guess the jumper pins are setup for ‘master’ by default?
I only want to copy data from it to my Dell XPS windows 11 with SSD (C) and HHD (D) in use.
On this old IDE drive ‘jumper’ pin group, there is a white cap on the right most vertical pins (10 pin group)
This is the position it was in when I removed it from the old PC .
So, do I need to move it over ‘somewhere’ to a different jumper pin pair?
Would that be ‘slave’ mode’
And more important, how do I know which pins to put it on if I have to move it?
I've got an old Western Digital WD4OO IDE drive.
The 40 pin connector of the far left.
The 10 pin (5 over 5) next (middle group) the jumper group
The 4 pin power connection on the far right.
This Drive was my ‘C’ drive (and only drive) in my old PC.
Therefore, I guess the jumper pins are setup for ‘master’ by default?
I only want to copy data from it to my Dell XPS windows 11 with SSD (C) and HHD (D) in use.
On this old IDE drive ‘jumper’ pin group, there is a white cap on the right most vertical pins (10 pin group)
This is the position it was in when I removed it from the old PC .
So, do I need to move it over ‘somewhere’ to a different jumper pin pair?
Would that be ‘slave’ mode’
And more important, how do I know which pins to put it on if I have to move it?