Return power supply

Saif Seofe

Dec 7, 2013
Hi i have long question i bought power supply like 3 weeks ago i got and it was a defective power supply i opened a case on ebay and ebay refund me my money and i throw the other one in the trash and i bought another one today i was checking my ebay and i massage from the seller asking me to return the item or he will contact ebay and when ebay closed the case they didn't tell me to return the defective power supply so what i do thank you :)
Are you SURE they didnt ask for the product back?
Even so, when there is a defective product and they refund the money, you send the unit in so they can send it in for repairs/refurbs. And then be re sold. Ebay may charge you for the defective unit if they dont receive one.
a full refund of $79.99 to your PayPal account and the case is closed. thats what they said when they said when the closed the case and this is my first time opening a case i didnt mean to throw it in the trash thank you for quick respond
Generally with a refund you need to send the defective product back or else they might just think you got a good product but claimed it was bad to steal back your money. This is what they think you did. Also, pretty much any EBAY PSU will be 10000% junk. NEVER cheap out on a PSU, it is the most important part of the computer by far.
Yeah, you only really are supposed to open a case with ebay if the seller has not tried to help you after a certain period of time. Sorry, but you messed up.

All you can do is wait it out.

Next time, contact the seller FIRST. They will get you sorted out 99.99999% of the time.