Very little related:
I was hoping for an unreported feature on Doom3 back then. Viruslike, while playing the game, it could scan the users hard drive and check for photos, the more personal the better, and use the faces found there as skins for the zombies to kill on a final round after the big boss. And it needed not to be perfect, anything missing would just be blood and of-skin.
Doom3 was a really good game, and with such advances in tech we could see this little fantasy of mine come to life some day. But it will need all the artistic level it can get to provide enough involvement to make the player think they actually have gone crazy, which would be really cool as an experience.
Or just a little crazy, just some well recognized faces from time to time during the game and enough to just hint to the craziness of the gamer, not appearing twice on the same zombie or spot. Maybe just a monochrome overlay over some wall...
/end of daydreaming.