Question RGB Hub or not?


Jul 8, 2018
Hi all,

A quick question, I have the Strix H370-I motherboard with one addressable RGB header.

I want to add three RGB devices to my system, 2 x Phanteks Halos fan frame and 1 x LED Strip. Here is the link to the Halos

I haven't decided yet on which strip.

The question is how do I connect all three devices to the one ARGB header on the H370-I?

Can I daisy chain them from one device to the other?

Or do I need a hub? If so does the hub need to be powered from the PSU via Sata or Molex?

The manual is below if anyone would be kind enough to take a look

Many thanks for any help you can provide.

I don't know if this is the only solution, but I did it using a hub and it did need to be powered via SATA. From what i can tell, these hubs are proprietary though, so you may have to stick with everything coming from the same manufacturer. It looks like that's your plan though so I would imagine you'll be good.