Right Power Uninterrupted Power Supply


Apr 11, 2016
Hi, I have a Right Power Uninterrupted Power Supply Power Star Neo 800...

My PC is using a Xigmatek 600 watt PSU..( I know it sucks )....

The PSU Automatically turns off randomly....around 2 times a week.. with a long beep that wouldnt stop and the pc auto shuts off.....

Need help !! Did tests on lighter devices and dosent have a problem...

Ps. Only my PC is connected along with my monitor which is a BenQ GW2470H

Cyberpower and APC are both good, I run both brands. APC is a bit better quality. You want a 1000va at the minimum, if you can get a 1350 even better.
Ok I just realized thats an 800va unit, that means tops it puts out about 400 w. Between your monitor and system if they draw over 400watts it could cause the UPS to beep and shut down. Now being that you have a low end "600w" Xigmatek which is very inefficient, while your system doesn't need 600 watts, or probably even 400 watts, the power draw from the wall is probably high due to the PSU's inefficency.

At a minimum you need a WAY better quality PSU.
Oh yea...and I forgotten to mention my PC specs....

Asus Z170 Gaming Aura
Gigabyte GTX 1070 windforce
Gskill 16gb ripjaws v 2400mhz ddr4 ram
Xigmatek shogun 600w
Seagate 2tb HDD
Intel 540s 120GB SSD

Probably recommend some PSU and USP to me...thanks !!

You want a good quality UPS that allows at least 1000va, thats about 600w on a GOOD unit.

The you have doesn't even list a wattage, its likely very low quality.

You want APC, Cyberpower, Tripplite, those are the best brands. If you can't get that then i suggest removing the UPS.

Either way that PSU is really bad for such a nice system, you should consider replacement anyway. Your system under heavy load could draw over 400w so no matter what that UPS is not enough.

So for PSU, Corsair CX550M, anything from Superflower or Seasonic, or the Antec HCG line.
So I couldnt get these brands in my country Malaysia...as I already bought this rightpower one. If I change my power supply to FSP Hydro G 650W, do I still have to change UPS?

Next thing is... I'm sorry for not properly explaining in detail... So the whole thing is like this, when there is an power outage, the UPS holds charge and can run my pc for around 20 minutes. But sometimes in a week where there is no outage or whatever, it just beeps for a long time and just *poofs* shuts off...it happens around 2 times a week....

The PSU and UPS are both insufficient. If you could only change one the UPS would be first to solve your shutting off issue.

However the PSU should soon be after.

FSP Hydro G is a decent unit, not the best but WAY better than what you have. I am very surprised that Seasonic and Superflower are not available, nor Corsair. They are global brands.
Oh I see... I meant by the UPS, we do not have other UPS brands, but for PSU, we have all except seasonic. Can you suggest what model PSU for corsair? Thanks

Last time I was a noob in tech, so I didnt know anything about PSU

Thats one of the best PSUs on the market, absolutely worth buying.

If that UPS brand is all you need I would suggest getting at least a 1350va model.

Cyberpower and APC are both good, I run both brands. APC is a bit better quality. You want a 1000va at the minimum, if you can get a 1350 even better.