RIP unklsummoner



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lvl 72 necro unklsummoner donned the ethereal robes yesterday, thanks
to a doll pack at the bottom of the stairs to the throne in NM.

I am not sure if there was anything I could have done to prevent it,
since I was dead upon materializing, my two year old was climbing on my
back, and the purple jugs werent hit fast enough. Plus there was a
crowd that would have prevented terror from completely dispersing the
pack. It must have been the explosions that killed me, since only many
blows from their weps would have been sufficient to kill me, (I was
just under 800 life)and my minions would have absorbed some of the

Maybe the best bet would be to de-equip my mercs wep, and make sure I
only had a clay golem, so that the thorns from the IG wouldnt cause
death to the dolls so quickly.

Irritating, that, but much less than my first HC death, and the fact
that unklsummoner was wearing far from uber gear, and the only item
that he was carrying that really bothered me was a Sigons shield that I
wanted to give to Unklbarb to complete his ensemble and get the plus

Also, he was my first HC char on this ladder, and was my main MFer for
the rest.

Oh well. Back to the drawing board. : )

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<lvl 72 necro unklsummoner donned the ethereal robes yesterday, thanks
to a doll pack at the bottom of the stairs to the throne in NM>

Sorry to hear that :-(

I love to hate dolls! They run super fast, and in packs. If one gets
near enough to you to get you with the death explosion, it seems like
several will. Combining that with a stair trap is just not right, one
of the few instances when it pays to not have minions. Your skellies
were probably killing them before you even saw them.

I think I saw his replacement in training this morning at the local
pub. Judging by the set of his jaw, and the look in his eyes, I'd say
he's looking for "pay backs" 🙂

I was not able to find a sigons shield last night on my mules. I'm in
the process of re-organizing them, but it's a slow process, as I'd
rather play than fiddle with mules.

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unklbob wrote:
> lvl 72 necro unklsummoner donned the ethereal robes yesterday, thanks
> to a doll pack at the bottom of the stairs to the throne in NM.
> I am not sure if there was anything I could have done to prevent it,
> since I was dead upon materializing, my two year old was climbing on
> back, and the purple jugs werent hit fast enough. Plus there was a
> crowd that would have prevented terror from completely dispersing the
> pack. It must have been the explosions that killed me, since only
> blows from their weps would have been sufficient to kill me, (I was
> just under 800 life)and my minions would have absorbed some of the
> blows.
> Maybe the best bet would be to de-equip my mercs wep, and make sure I
> only had a clay golem, so that the thorns from the IG wouldnt cause
> death to the dolls so quickly.
> Irritating, that, but much less than my first HC death, and the fact
> that unklsummoner was wearing far from uber gear, and the only item
> that he was carrying that really bothered me was a Sigons shield that
> wanted to give to Unklbarb to complete his ensemble and get the plus
> skill.
> Also, he was my first HC char on this ladder, and was my main MFer
> the rest.
> Oh well. Back to the drawing board. : )
> Sean

Damn it! I was hoping we could do some minion runs. The Unkl and my

Dolls are a pain. Now I wonder if I might as well move into Hell since
my resists are decent. It's almost like you have to click to go back up
the stairs everytime you go down just to be able to decide if you
should head into there if there is a stair trap.

Hey I am pretty sure I got a Sigon's shield that Unklbarb can have.

Back to dolls again, what kind of damage is that? All physical? When
one pops near me I see my ball go down about 1/4 (1100+ life). I never
see more than 4 in one spot. But given how the activity at a stair trap
seems to take place faster than the scene loading into your PC and
reacing your screen makes me wonder if I should just automatically
drink a purple whenever I head down the stairs.

Dolls are the sukc!

One of many sukc that the game has.

So let's see - unequip merc? unsummon summoned minions? proceed down
stairs. If OK return up and requip merc, summon minions, go get minions
etc. If not OK press esc and save and make new game. BAH! That is just
too crazy.

With just a merc and a valk I guess a zon could run away from the two
minions and place a decoy near the dolls and wait till it's safe. Still

Now imagine a stair trap in Hell with Burning Souls, OKs, and dolls.
hahahahahahahah now I know why Baal laughs the way he does. He lets us
kick his ass at times so that we get more pissed when things like this

Orion Ryder
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Them dolls have been discussed ad nauseum, and since I have seen my
life ball on a Patriarch conc barb w/>3k life shoot down to a sliver, I
just try to avoid them. I am not sure if their damage is 1/2 physical,
1/2 fire like CE, but it packs a greater wallup than just about
anything in the game, with the exception of some bosses with the right
mods. In the Durance, or any other place where I have a chance to see
them coming, I can deal, but the stair trap is a part of the game I
don't care for.

I have heard of strategies to avoid them, but unless I am partied with
a barb with massive defense and life, I can't think of a foolproof way
to survive them, taking into account comp lag.

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How did Life-less get snuffed?

My condolences, btw, particularly if its your first HC death. It can
leave you feeling pretty hollow.

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How did Life-less get snuffed?

My condolences, btw, particularly if its your first HC death. It can
leave you feeling pretty hollow.

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I got as far as the Den in Hell, before I went back to farming NM Baal
for some better defensive gear. One thing I might suggest, and it has
saved my bacon many times is that when you face multiple auras, or
particularly nasty auras like fana and conviction or one of those
coupled with extra fast or spectral hit, save and exit. There will be
times when you can maneuver to split up the bosses and pick them off
seperately, but unfortunately, Tristram doesnt give you a lot of room.

Another technique is to max Dim Vision for the ranged attackers--I have
never put more than a few points in the skill, but I understand it is
very effective. At the higher skill levels you can blind most of the
monsters on the screen.

Anyway, RIP Life-less.

All the corpses I re-animated told me he was a right bastard. : )
