Rise of the tomb raider (Out of memory)

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Mar 6, 2007
Ok the strangest thing happened to me today. So i bought a Zotac GTX 1080 Ti AMP Extreme and i was testing all of my games to check performance.

Thing is i have Windows Paging memory file turned off and this is the first app/game i have come across that crashes. When i am loading game the game crashes and i receive windows is low on memory but here is the thing, i am not even hitting 60% memory, memory usage is around 55% but the game crashes (i monitor it on my logitech g15 keyboard display panel).

Anyway to get around this? I seriously don't want to enable paging file just because 1 game refuses to run. Don't want to degrade my ssd if i don't have to 😛

Oh and i forgot to mention, i have 16 GB DDR3 which is enough i think,
No as i said before i am not turning paging file on just to play 1 game, besides that can always be my last option.
I am trying to tweak different settings to see if the game runs. Maybe for a starter, drop resolution to 1440p (but i guess it won't have any affect on system RAM, VRAM sure but not RAM)

then its all up to you.i am just giving u a suggestion.the page file is turn on by default for a reason.good luck on your finding.

if windows "required" paging file to be active at all times then it shouldn't run in the first place or crash all the time yet i have perfect windows system here thats working flawlessly for over 6 months.
Lets see the apps and games i ran yesterday:
Firestrike extreme
Firestrike ultra
Time Spy
Unigine Valley stress
Furmark stress
Battlefield 1
Dark Souls 3
Dragon Age Inquisiiton
Total War: Warhammer
Fallout 4
Far Cry 4
Skyrim (Heavily modded, over 70 mods installed)
AC4: Blagflag
Guild Wars 2
Hitman 2016
Mass Effect Andromeda
Just Cause 3
Rise of the tomb Raider

and out of all these only Rise of the Tomb Raider crashes. Get my point or need i to go on? So its rather a solo instance of one specific app out of 20 rather then 19 crashing and 1 working.

I dunno what you actually meant here in your first sentence, was it an insult or a typo but i am gonna give you benefit of doubt and not respond in anyway.

Suit yourself. You came here asking for assistance, were told exactly what needed to be done to fix the problem, and rejected it. You're on your own now.

And what assistance was i given? To turn on paging file back on which i already know can fix the issue with that game. I specifically mentioned that is not the option i am willing to take unless the issue was widespread. So basically i was given no assistance and if that's what you call assistance than i do like being on my own very much.

What i wanted was some other tweaks like changing options in ini or other settings to make the game work not turn of paging file. If that's what i wanted to do then why i post here in the first place? Just think about it for a sec, i am not retarded and i KNOW why the error message i am receiving is about.

if u want suggestion on tweaking the settings then this not the right place to start with.u might want to contact the developers for that or go to rise of tomb raider forum.they might have the answer u are looking for.
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