How to avoid roaming charges and bill shock when going away for business or pleasure.
Roamer: Use Your Phone Abroad Without Crazy Roaming Bills : Read more
Roamer: Use Your Phone Abroad Without Crazy Roaming Bills : Read more
Not a challenge at all in normal countries, the world is only now starting to adopt BS US contract-locked phones but most people view it as idiocy it is and refuse to be ripped off.Things are changing now with the popularity of unlocked devices sold directly through the Google Play store, but unlocking devices is a challenge in Roamer's quest for the mass market.
Please please please tell me people actually know this and you're just pointing out the obvious? I've never used anything but GSM on my phones my entire life and the calls are just fine. (Or they were fine until the scumbag Indian government forced all providers to decrease transmission power by a factor of 10. Can't get coverage in buildings now at all. Damn ecohippies.)Roamer told us that even a 2G data connection is good enough to initiate a call; 3G and LTE are luxuries purely for data
To initiate an outgoing call, you need a data connection to tell Roamer to connect your call by also calling IN to your foreign SIM so you're not charged for long distance outgoing minutes.Please please please tell me people actually know this and you're just pointing out the obvious? I've never used anything but GSM on my phones my entire life and the calls are just fine.