News Robotic Arm Controlled With Muscle Movement via EMG Signals

I have been reading a bit about a similar/same tech in relation to amputees. The study had a couple of below elbow amps picking up coke cans and doing other simple tasks with the device. It would be super duper cool to see this technology (along with 3D printing) evolve prosthesis to a whole new level of functionality. I would absolutely love to have an articulating ankle again....
If I had a penny every time someone stuck some myoelectric sensors on a forearm to use as an input device, I'd probably be able to buy a nice meal by now.

Like with head-mounted EEG sensors, the major problem is the precision of electrode placement required to get repeatable results. In a lab or clinical environment where you can have trained technicians place electrodes (or employ bespoke fitted hard mounts) it can be viable, but self-donning not really. Whilst we're a few decades past the transition between "train humans to the interface" to "train the interface to user intent", it's still no good if you need to perform retraining every time the interface is donned. Think of the inconvenience as akin to your keyboard randomising key layout every time you sat down at your desk.