MB: ROG B 450 F gaming
CPU: Ryzen 2600x
RAM: G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 16GB
GPU: Gigabyte 2060 super
Mobo will not post with two sticks. LED error lights say something is wrong with the ram. I've updated the bios both sticks will boot if its just one of them. I got the memory profile set as well. Nothing seems to work
MB: ROG B 450 F gaming
CPU: Ryzen 2600x
RAM: G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 16GB
GPU: Gigabyte 2060 super
Mobo will not post with two sticks. LED error lights say something is wrong with the ram. I've updated the bios both sticks will boot if its just one of them. I got the memory profile set as well. Nothing seems to work