Question ROG G751JY Laptop killing new batteries?

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Jul 2, 2020

For the last week I have been experiencing very bizarre issues with my ASUS ROG G751JY.

One night last week I was gaming and the laptop shut down immediately. I could no longer power on the laptop by itself with just the battery, nor could I game anymore when its just dependent on the adapter. The laptop stopped recognizing the battery, although it would state it was fully charged, but the moment I would try to run a game, the laptop would reach a certain point and turn off immediately, simultaneously a loud click can be heard every time the laptop shuts down on its own.

I thought maybe the battery was the issue, but I have now tried two new batteries and the issue persists. The oddest thing being, when I attached the new batteries I can game and operate just fine for a couple of hours, on and off the charger, then the problems would come back and eventually even with new batteries at max charge I cannot power on the laptop with those batteries anymore. I am extremely confused and am wondering if the MOBO connector for the battery is damaged?

One thing I did notice both times when using the new batteries, the laptop will begin to fail to recognize the AC charger is connected to the PC more and more after prolonged use (The screen brightness would dim when it thinks the adapter is disconnected and then light up when its reconnected and the AC power connector that goes into the laptop is hot) and then eventually will stop being able to depend on the battery, then I have to use the AC only to power it on anymore.

Without gaming, the laptop is still susceptible to shutting off randomly while fully dependent on the AC charger, although very infrequently, and will take a minute or longer before I can attempt to turn it back on. Temperature has not shown itself as a factor. I have woken up and attempted to turn on the laptop at the start of the day, and before I can even reach my Desktop the laptop will shut off without warning while making the clicking sound.

I began to think that maybe the AC is not getting enough voltage anymore? But earlier when I first installed my 2nd new battery, it worked okay for about an actual minute (The battery was at 64% according to the desktop, not connected to the AC at all), then it shut down immediately. I immediately tried to turn it back on without the AC, but it took a moment before I could power it back on while just being dependent on the battery.

I am at a complete loss and I do not know what to do. I would like to attempt getting another AC adapter to see if it a culprit, but I do not know how to test what is exactly the issue and would rather not continue spending money on peripherals and waiting for them to arrive only for it to not help.

I have had this laptop for four years with 0 issues like this before, but now it is becoming nearly inoperable.

Any and all help is appreciated and I can be reached on Discord for faster assistance if necessary.
The exact same thing is happening with my G751JY . It originally acted up a few years ago and I stuffed it into a closet after replacing the battery only helped for a few days figuring I had wasted $100+ on a crap battery. I pulled it out again a few weeks ago to have another look at it and it does the same thing even without the battery installed at all. It seems to work just fine in BIOS mode, it'll stay on for hours and in Safe Mode it stayed on the majority of the time for long periods of time so I think it has something to do with either some kind of built in power conservation system or a bad section of one of the boards. I find when it clicks off sometimes it won't turn back on until I've loaded into BIOS and let it sit for awhile, almost as if it's gathering some kind of charge for a battery it doesn't have before it'll let me boot back into Windows. Wiggling the power connection doesn't seem to make it happen so I don't think it's a bad connection there.

I disabled Intel ICCS and that seemed to make quite a bit of difference which makes me think it's got to be something with how it uses or switches power when GPU intensity kicks up which is why it shows in games first, that also happened in my situation. Once I had disabled ICCS I thought I had licked it so I started updating drivers and such including updating the BIOS to 213. Don't do this. Instantly brought back the power down issue and I had a heck of a time downgrading the BIOS back to 211 because man, ASUS really doesn't want you to do that. 213 must include some kind of power performance but the description was no help so I'm just guessing there.

When it comes down to it the power system consists of the Power Switch Board, the battery, the DC adapter, the DC board and probably the motherboard in some capacity. My first guess was that it's the motherboard since the battery plugs directly into it but since it does this without a battery even plugged in I'm not even sure where to start because I just don't know enough about the power system to hazard a guess.

I sure hope one of us figures it out!
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