To level set my POV, I am a Constitutional republican and believe that the American Constitution is the greatest document ever written for citizen based self-governance.
Well, first thing is, the Tea Party is not part of the Republican Party. This misconception stems form the fact that the Tea Party has not organized itself as a national party, and because of it's platform it is by default associated with the Republican Party. Ultimately, it is a unique and distinct group with it's own political identity. As a result, I understand the perception that the Tea Party can be seen as radical. But as a Constitution and republic loving American, how can anyone but marxists or socialists call the following platform radical...
Don't get me wrong, I agree that Romney is not the "ideal" candidate, but he is far better than the standing democrat alternative. After his speech before the NAACP, I have gained a little more respect for Romney and consider him a person of character and principle. McCain's voting record proves that he is a Big Government Republican and not interested in changing the status-quo. Agree or not, but the fact is Mitt Romney does not suffer from credibility issues, McCain and Obama do. The democrat talking points to attack Romney's credibility have been proven to be blatant lies.
Agree to disagree but Obama is changing America from a republic to a social democracy. In his first term, Obama has continued the failed Bush foreign policies, passed Dodd-Frank, continued Keynesian economic policies, promotes welfare capitalism, holds public labor unions above private sector employees, has enacted policies that enable State ownership of businesses (i.e.; the GM bailout, Health Care, the Energy Industry), promotes universal access to social services, and exploits capitalism to promote "fair" and "equitable" wealth redistribution.
Sadly, with only 115 days left to Election Day, Obama has yet to articulate his 2nd term platform, but based on various articles and his own speeches, we can be assured of a continuation of policies from his 1st term plus; a significant raising of taxes, entrenchment of the ACA, pass cap-and-trade, promote the Senate passing of the UN Small Arms treaty, significant climate change legislation, and more stimulus packages. So, with all said, I expect Obama's 2nd term to continue the fundamental transformation of our republic into a social democracy through executive fiat, circumvention of Congress, and more policies contrary to the will of the electorate.
Will Romney do better? The only way to know for sure is elect him. But based on his speeches, platform, and vision for America, I say that Romney will be better for America than Obama. Overall, I think the system is too far gone for any one President to fix. It has been over 100 years since the socialists have entrenched themselves into American politics and it has taken them this long to put America in the sad state it is today, it will take just as long to for the People to elect the right-minded representatives to return to small government and true republicanism.
C'mon? Really?! I don't need a duck to quack to know it's a duck. Obama does not need to say he's a socialist, his policies and actions have proven he is.
One thing both Obama and Romney agree on is their differing visions for America. And, I agree with you dogman, vote for who's vision better fits with your world view of America. Hopefully, that is a world vision of smaller government, reduce deficits, less taxes, and a balanced budget. But at the very least, I just hope people get and out vote.
johnsonma :
The tea party does nothing but radicalize already extremely conservative policies.
Please note that I am not calling you marxist or socialist, but if we want the same thing for America, why do we argue over a matter of degrees; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.Tea Party Platform: 1) Eliminate Excessive Taxes, 2) Eliminate the National Debt, 3) Eliminate Deficit Spending, 4) Protect Free Markets, 5) Abide by the Constitution, 6) promote Civil Responsibility, 7) Reduce the Size of Government, 8) Believe in the People, 9) Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics, 10) Maintain Local Independence
johnsonma :
I understand that people fell in love with them because they were different and gave them another option but when you look at what their body of work consists it is almost depressing that they represent the government of the greatest country in the history of humanity. I would take a John McCain over any of those guys any day of the week. For that matter I would take John McCain over Romney 10 out of 10 times. McCain has a backbone and was an upstanding person, Romney is a chameleon.
johnsonma :
Enough with the BS social democracy stuff, name the things that Obama is going to do in his 2nd term to achieve this. Also tell me what Romney is going to do that will be any better. Its easy to say nonsense like that, but its much harder to actually prove it.
Sadly, with only 115 days left to Election Day, Obama has yet to articulate his 2nd term platform, but based on various articles and his own speeches, we can be assured of a continuation of policies from his 1st term plus; a significant raising of taxes, entrenchment of the ACA, pass cap-and-trade, promote the Senate passing of the UN Small Arms treaty, significant climate change legislation, and more stimulus packages. So, with all said, I expect Obama's 2nd term to continue the fundamental transformation of our republic into a social democracy through executive fiat, circumvention of Congress, and more policies contrary to the will of the electorate.
Will Romney do better? The only way to know for sure is elect him. But based on his speeches, platform, and vision for America, I say that Romney will be better for America than Obama. Overall, I think the system is too far gone for any one President to fix. It has been over 100 years since the socialists have entrenched themselves into American politics and it has taken them this long to put America in the sad state it is today, it will take just as long to for the People to elect the right-minded representatives to return to small government and true republicanism.
dogman_1234 :
Yet, he does not call himself a socialist...a requirement on my own book.
dogman_1234 :
Romney has stated that if you are not looking for a candidate who changes his own views, he is not the man you should vote for. Does that meal all republicans are 'flip-floppers'? No, that is a logical fallacy. If you do not want Romney or do not like his political, social, and/or religious views...don;'t vote for him. Simple as that. If there is something you knwo he has that will help us in our time of need...put him in office.