root dns



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

In news:OHoJkh5VEHA.1164@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl,
mozart <> posted a question
Then Kevin replied below:
> what is an root dns?

The root is authoritative for everything under it, if you have a Root zone,
it will look like a " . " if you have a Root zone and you want your DNS to
resolve names of domains that your DNS does not have a zone for, e.g. the
internet, you will need to delegate the zone or delete it.
Most of us recommend deleting it, by deleting the root zone, MS DNS will
enable Root Hints, which are DNS servers on the internet that do have a
delegated root zone. Once the root zone is deleted you can also enable a
forwarder to you ISP's DNS, which is also recommended.

Best regards,
Kevin D4 Dad Goodknecht Sr. [MVP]
Hope This Helps
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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.dns (More info?)

In news:uuT01t6VEHA.2716@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl,
Kevin D. Goodknecht Sr. [MVP] <admin@nospam.WFTX.US> posted their thoughts,
then I offered mine
> In news:OHoJkh5VEHA.1164@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl,
> mozart <> posted a question
> Then Kevin replied below:
>> what is an root dns?
> The root is authoritative for everything under it, if you have a Root
> zone, it will look like a " . " if you have a Root zone and you want
> your DNS to resolve names of domains that your DNS does not have a
> zone for, e.g. the internet, you will need to delegate the zone or
> delete it.
> Most of us recommend deleting it, by deleting the root zone, MS DNS
> will enable Root Hints, which are DNS servers on the internet that do
> have a delegated root zone. Once the root zone is deleted you can
> also enable a forwarder to you ISP's DNS, which is also recommended.
> --
> Best regards,
> Kevin D4 Dad Goodknecht Sr. [MVP]
> Hope This Helps
> ============================

To add, in other words, a Root server is the king of the hill and nothing is
above it in the hierarchy. It either knows the answer or not and if it
doesn't, it will not ask anywhere else (it will not use recursion nor will
it ask the Root hints because it thinks it is a Root server).


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory

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