Rosewill photon 550w with sapphire r9 280x vapor x

Drew Welch

Jul 24, 2015
I have a rosewill photon 550 and an R9 280x vapor and wondering if it will work as far as watts, amp, connectors etc. to quote joe dirt "I'm new...I don't know what to do!" Thanks to anyone who can help.

I'm on a bit of a budget. Rosewill hive 650 tier 2? I'm having a time viewing the page in link. I don't wana get a tier 3 if its going to go on the fritz in a year. Thanks for your input.
no, tier 3 won't break in a year. Tier 3's are safe and stable, they just have lower quality components inside them.

The Hive is still a tier 3. The only rosewills that are not are Lightning, Capstone, and some 80+ silver ones.

ok thanks for the help, Ill keep looking if I can find a decent priced tier 2 I will pick one up. My budget really stops around 75 if you have any recommendations.