Router Connected External HD Question


Aug 5, 2014
I just got the Linksys 1900ac router with external esata connection. It has a pretty nice administrative interface for sharing out an external hard drive. Currently, I use Windows Media Center with a Goflex NAS right now to store and play my movie library. I would like to up the storage capacity. Any thoughts on just buying an external HD and connecting it to this router as a low cost solution? Here are some points to consider:

1. Power - I don't want it to be spinning all the time. A NAS probably has more control over spinning down the drive than this setup would. Should I be conserned?

2. Security - I don't want there to be any consern that my data could be insecure.
Thanks popatim! I'm a little confused as to why you say there is no security on drives connected to a wireless network. You can set folder level security on the drive through the Linksys admin interface. There's also the firewall securing it from the internet. There's also Wireless key encryption on the wifi signal. What's not secure?