Router stopped retrieving ip and dns from isp....


Oct 9, 2016
So i have frontier Fios. My router is an r7000. Frontier gave me a Arris NVG468MQ and some other device ARRIS MEB1100

my previous modem was a netgear cm600.

So I ditched the arris nvg468mq right away. I had the coaxial run to this meb1100 then that's powered by usb. I plugged that USB onto my r7000. I had an ethernet from the meb1100 "RG BROADBAND" slot run to the "internet" slot of the r7000.

Internet was fine for 8 months. Today all of a sudden I lose connection. I'm. Checking the router settings and dns and ip are and I can't get them to retrieve it from the isp.... Not sure what to do now. Any help?
Is the nvg468mq the modem??? I've never used it.... And I don't think this arris meb1100 is a modem????


That's the thing I dont even know what the hell is the modem.... For 8 months all I used 3ss my r7000 router and the meb1100.....
If your profile with Frontier doesn't include MOCA, meaning you just got an ethernet connection from them and no cable services, then when the modem updates they will re-apply the modem configuration they believe you should have, which they setup for you when the modem was installed.

Re-configure your MOCA settings in the modem, save it, and once it's working again download the configuration. When it happens again, just reset the moca settings again.