Question RTX 2060 Stuttering in some games

Mar 16, 2019
Hello everyone,
First of all, i'd like to apologize for my english before hand,

Some days ago i bought an Asus Dual RTX 2060 OC,
Plugged it in , used DDU to Uninstall my old video cards drivers,
Installed up to date nvidia drivers , 419.35 i think it's the version,

The thing is that when i started playing cs go for example , the game started stuttering really hard which made the match unplayable .
I reinstalled the drivers , tweaked some options in the drivers menu, and it seems to have dissapeared.

But i still sometimes feel some ocassional micro sttuters in some games, like it doesn't work as smooth as it should be .
Playing Apex for example, i had a very crancky feeling while playing even though i had an avg of 140 fps.

System Specs:

i7 - 8700k 4,9ghz
Aorus Z370 Gaming 3
16 GBs DDR4 2400mhz
Watercooling Corsair H60i
Samsung Evo 960 250gb NVME2
Samsung evo 860 500gb ssd
Thermaltake 600w PSU 80 PLUS
Zowie Benq XL2411 144hz
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the only game i had this issue with was cs go, i was playing at much lower resolution than my monitors, I reinstalled the drivers and it fixed it, i've several issues playing apex though, but i think thats a problem with the game in general.
You are welcome! Hope it helps you out!

Disabled the gaming mode option , updated bios, installed new drivers, for some reason still keeps feeling clancky in some games, not 100% smooth. When i had the old video card, rx 480 8gb , it felt really smooth compared to when i play with this card.

Made a firestrike 3dmark stress test though, passed with flying colors .

Should i've went for the 1660ti rather the 2060 cause of the rtx?