[SOLVED] RTX 2070 or 144HZ G - Sync Monitor

Jan 26, 2019
Hi I have a gtx 1050ti and a 60hz Monitor, Im wondering if I should either buy the rtx 2060 or buy the 144hz g- sync compatible monitor. If I buy the rtx 2060 the monitor will bottleneck, If I buy the 144hz monitor most of my games don’t run above 70fps.
Honestly, I would save some more and purchase a 1070ti (which is pretty much the same with RTX 2060 on most occasions). Anywho, if I were you I would probably save for a 1070ti.
Honestly, I would save some more and purchase a 1070ti (which is pretty much the same with RTX 2060 on most occasions). Anywho, if I were you I would probably save for a 1070ti.