Question RTX 3060 new hash limiter?

Feb 6, 2021
My RTX 3060 (ORIGINAL) suddenly went back to 26 MH this morning. I didn't touch it. The 470.05 driver has not been touched since March. Did NVidia do a secret patch to all the RTX 3060 out there?????
I reinstalled the 470.05 drivers, and updated T-Rex miner. No change. Does this mean there needs to be a new hack?


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition.

My thought is that the power demands of mining for 5 - 6 months may have caused some problem within the PSU, GPU, or elsewhere in your mining rig.

When you mention "new hack" what was the "original hack"?

What did you do?