Question RTX 3060 should work?

Jun 2, 2022
Hi guys so this is my build:
- I5 8400
-16 GB RAM 3000mhz(2666mhz max).
-RX 550 2GB.

So I want to make an upgrade of the GPU I want to put an RTX 3060 FROM MSI(2 FANS), I know that it will work fine but I'm really thinking if it's worth it, I want the GPU power for editing(Adobe Premiere/After effects) and I don't really know if I should gather more money to change the whole pc or just stick with this one. Please if ya can give an opinion about this thing.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

The answer is yes, it should. You should make sure you use DDU to uninstall all GPU drivers from your system then power down the system, drop in the RTX3060 and then power up the system again. Ona side note, how old is the PSU? As for the unit, what is the model of said unit? Seasonic is the brand while 650W is the advertised wattage.
The thing is that I didn't asked if it would worked, because I already know that, I wanted to know if it's really worth it or if I should wait to buy a new pc. Because I'll use After Effects a lot and don't really know if the GPU will help me in AE.