Question RTX 3060 Ti - disabled CSM makes my pc 3 beeps


Jun 19, 2022
I got a new MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Gaming X 8GB GDDR6 at 10.06.22. The same day I've decided to install a Windows 11 at my new, fresh SSD m.2. I turned on fTMP and I have no clue what I did exactly with CSM before installation - whether I enabled it on or off. My pendrive was created (booted) at Rufus, in which I chose to boot UEFI + no CSM. That's all, Windows 11 works.
At the end I've installed a chipset and gpu drivers. That's all what I did for days. I didn't change anything at bios, so I can't remember if CSM was on or off, before the update to F60.

At 13.06.22 I've deciced to update my bios from F50 to F60, due to the possibility of buying a new Ryzen 5600x. Everything was going well till next day. I wanted to run my pc and I hear beeps - it's one long and then 2 short.
After this Windows 11 launches as if nothing had happened. 3 beeps when I press start and then I can use my pc as always. No errors, temp as always.
Google says about CSM - to disable it. But there is a problem. With CSM off - beeps appear. With on - beeps disappear. So I can easily turn the CSM on to solve my problem, but that's not permanent solution.
I need CSM off to ran Windows 11 and to use a Resize Bar at bios.

What can I do? I also updated a bios to the latest one - F63B. Still the same. I've changed Smart Fan Mode, set XMP profile. Nothing else.
PCi is on auto, and I can chose manually 1-3 gen. I don't have on-board gpu.
I will also add that my monitor is ASUS VG248QE (DP 1.2) and I use a DisplayPort (1.2, 20 pins) connection. I tried to unpin DisplayPort from a gpu and run a pc - still 3 beeps.

For two days I had Fast Boot on and there was no beeps at all, Not even a single one. Everything worked well. But at third day beeps have returned, when I launched pc.
That was when I launched my pc at the same time as the monitor (casual switch under the monitor) so maybe that's a problem? Like monitor launches slower than pc and bios has a problem to hook a display? But on the other hand, I've tried to lauch a pc (with CSM off) when monitor was on/off - same beeps.

There are no 3 beeps (1 long, 2 short), when
  1. I turn on CSM
There are 3 beeps (1 long, 2 short), when:
  1. I turn off CSM
Extra - CSM off and no beeps, when:
  • I restart pc or I launch my pc after a short brake after closing - couple minutes
  • (sometimes) I turn on Fast Boot (CSM off) - there are no beeps at all, not even a single one
I got Ryzen 5 3600, B450m DS3H, 16GB RAM, 600W Vero M2 Bronze, MSI RTX 3060 Ti.
Mainboard has PCi 3.0, not 4.0 like my gpu wants.

I'm almost sure it's all about bios's settings - especially CSM.
I had GTX 970 before and Windows 10. Never changed anything at bios, except Smart Fan Mode and XMP profile.
I didn't know anything about CSM before, so it was probably on.

Also if I turn CSM off, there are moments, when my monitor has a problem to hook a display from DisplayPort.
My screen is black and it usually says like: "Looking for a DisplayPort", so I can't get into bios and usually what helps me is - turning off pc/monitor, then I switch DP to other spot on my gpu.

My vBIOS and gpu drivers are the latest one - 94.04.6B.00.A2.
I've install a Nvidia Update Tool for DisplayPort, but it's for DP 1.4, so.

Wonder, what if CSM was on before I install W11. Might it be a cause?
Probably not.
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as far as i can tell, you can enable CSM, but change storage to UEFI, that way gpu will output video during POST and win11 will boot

Yes, win11 boots, no matter if I set CSM on or off.
Problem is that I can no longer use Resizable BAR if CSM off.
And that's the thing. However, there's only a few fps more. Lucky me.

But can you tell me will I fell any much differences when CSM on, while using w11?
Yes, win11 boots, no matter if I set CSM on or off.
Problem is that I can no longer use Resizable BAR if CSM off.
And that's the thing. However, there's only a few fps more. Lucky me.

But can you tell me will I fell any much differences when CSM on, while using w11?
just as you mentioned, resizeable bar wont work, another case might be with secure boot and valorant (pc game)

check msi center if your gpu has firmware update available, or you could flash back to F50 bios version, or flashing more recent version as F60 has agesa which is quite old, F63B has which solves some agesa bugs
check msi center if your gpu has firmware update available, or you could flash back to F50 bios version, or flashing more recent version as F60 has agesa which is quite old, F63B has which solves some agesa bugs

Still no firmware update for gpu.
About my bios - I got F63B, which is the latest one.
I won't go back to F50. My gpu usage never went above 90%, it was usually around 60-80%, when now it's always about 98%, so.