Question RTX 4070 Super Compatibility


Jan 30, 2017

I have a simple question, and I'd appreciate some help, I am going to replace my RTX 3070 with a 4070 Super (this one RTX 4070), and I have this MOBO and Power supply combo. MOBO and Power supply. My question is, do I need a cable adapter to power the gpu? I lost all my cables that were included in the box and I only have the 2x8 PIN for my 3070, but according to the 4070 link I need a 16 pin, which I don't have and my power supply seems to not have the proper connection for it, what cables can I buy to ensure everything works in order, I'd appreciate links or just the name of the cable if needed.

Yes, you will either need an adapter, which have tended to have mixed results since inception, or a different PSU that has a native 12vhpwr socket and cable. Your PSU never had that cable to begin with as this is a newer standard WHICH is about to or has actually changed again with the ATX 3.1 standard being released. Future models may change again, but for now, you need an adapter if you want to use that power supply. I'd recommend a new PSU with native 16 pin cabling but that's your call if you want to roll the dice on an adapter. Supposedly they are still having issues with some of them or all of them some of the time, despite several revisions and supposed quality improvements.
Yes, you will either need an adapter, which have tended to have mixed results since inception, or a different PSU that has a native 12vhpwr socket and cable. Your PSU never had that cable to begin with as this is a newer standard WHICH is about to or has actually changed again with the ATX 3.1 standard being released. Future models may change again, but for now, you need an adapter if you want to use that power supply. I'd recommend a new PSU with native 16 pin cabling but that's your call if you want to roll the dice on an adapter. Supposedly they are still having issues with some of them or all of them some of the time, despite several revisions and supposed quality improvements.
could you link me to some in amazon? I tried googling, but is is not very clear if I need extra cables or not, thanks again.
Every 40-series new card that needs a 12vhpwr power supply will offer an adapter within it's box in China. Check your 4070super's box.
That's true, however, they're at least somewhat risky. The native cables are at least somewhat less risky. Besides which, given that that G3 is probably around 7 years old, if you're going to spend the money on a new 4070 Super it would make a lot of sense to also purchase a new power supply, of the correct ATX version, with the correct native cables, that doesn't have 7 years of going around the block on it already, rather than rolling the dice on the idea that your 7 year old PSU is still totally fine and will continue to be so. No matter how decent it was when new. I don't care if it's an AXi, if it's 7 years old and I'm spending $600.00 + dollars on a new graphics card, I'm spending another 110.00 on a new PSU as well to protect that 600 dollar investment.

PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: Super Flower Leadex III Gold UP 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($109.99 @ Newegg Sellers)
Total: $109.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-12-16 00:59 EST-0500
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The adapters are not really that unsafe. Most of the problems were only an issue for the RTX 4090 and those are 4xPCIe.

If people were having issues with the adapters bundled with the other 40 series cards, I'm sure we would be seeing far more news about it. The truth is, the failure rate is pretty much the same as the molex 6+2pin cables.

It statistically won't matter, so buying an entirely new power supply specifically for a single cable is a bit silly. I'd only recommend that if you were buying a 3xPCIe GPU, RTX 4080 or higher end, not for a 245watt GPU like the 4070 Super you want to buy.

The age of your specific power supply doesn't really matter as much either since the 3070 you are running right now uses about the same amount of power as the 4070 Super. If it works, don't replace it.
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I disagree. There are HUNDREDS of documented cases of problems, and they are all due to the standard, not really to the implementation. But also largely, user error as well, however, can't really blame users for something happening that shouldn't, no matter the details. Yes, most people are without worry. But for those who weren't or aren't, not so much. To say it's been a non-issue is to say everybody who has dealt with a problem not really of their own making is full of crap. And honestly, they are not. Steve already CLEARLY showed this to be an outstanding problem, regardless of expertise level or user error. Is it everybody? Of course not. But NO problems we see from certain sources tend to be EVERYBODY. ANYBODY, is too many. I agree with that. Find it, fix it. Period. Hence, a new standard in record time.