Question RTX 4080, 4090, or wait for the 4080 Super? Will be doing a water loop at the same time


Apr 24, 2014
Looking for inputs on the best GPU that I can get for my PC. I want to be able to get 165 fps at 7680x1440 on Forza Motorsport with all settings maxed and all options enabled.

I already have plenty of power supply, AMD Ryzen 7950X3D, PCIE 5.0 NVME SSD, and 64 GB DDR5 6000.

I will be adding water cooling with a giant radiator, so heat won't be an issue.

Will an RTX 4080 be able to run 165 fps at 7680x1440? Will the RTX 4080 Super, or do I just need a 4090?

Which brand is the best for reliable overclocking in a custom water loop?


Mar 31, 2014
Firstly, I presume you meant 7680x4320...unless you have a bloody great big cellphone screen you are playing on....hehehe

It all depends on your financial situation vs your level of OMG ITS SHINY Syndrome.

You do not mention what you are currently utilising, so I'm going to guess a 30xx? And your current performance.

The only reason anybody NEEDS higher FPS these days, is because they have a high refresh massive monitor. So yeah 7680 is gonna get a bit flickery at low FPS.

To clarify, refresh rates = how many times per milisecond the screen is updated, which is why if you take a handheld video of a monitor with a low refresh rate, it looks like it is flickering because they are out of synch

Finally on that aspect, the other reason for upgrades is tech. So if you have a non RTX card...thats about it really.

Fun Fact: While the much touted "nobody can see faster than 24fps" fact is indeed true and is what dictates movie theatre playback speeds, games do not work like movies.

Games require a solid 30fps to be visually correct, pleasing and...not janky as all hell. To MAINTAIN 30fps...means what you really need is 60fps. The dips and bounces occuring during heavy screen action or in networked games, extra players doing dumb things on screen.

So while anything over 60+ FPS is a bonus, many people rant about it being smoother. Its not. have a very high refresh rate monitor.

So both AMD and nVidia have tech to keep 100hz + monitors happy with lower FPS rates being fed to it. I've completely forgotten the AMD one, but nVidia uses "fast" Vsync which works damn well, alongside some other new tech I havent bothered reading up on recently


Do you just want to upgrade because you have OMG ITS SHINY Syndrome Rank V? Or is it because you are experiencing jank currently?

To complete this rather long waffle, history is our greatest tutor. And when it comes to GPU's, the shinest newest little monster is never the best financial option, ever. Not for any reason apart form bragging righst, or having aforementioned Syndrome....the cure of which is to get married btw.

Not a recommended solution, but it does the job.

Much like a new car being driven off the showroom floor and instantly losing 15% resale value, GPU's creep, then crawl, then leap then fall (oooh ama poet and i didnt even knowit!) in price.

So the key to GPU buying is knowing the pivot point in Price:performance. In other words, at what price does the performance gains lessen in percentage?

Quick example, going from a 1650 > 2070 will cost you in South African Rands about R5000 presuming you sell the 1650. You gain 127% performance rating

Moving from the 2070 to a 3070 will cost you a further R2000 only 23% performance gain (so 150% from the 1650)

So if I was upgrading my 1650....the 2070 would be my sweet spot (it's actually the 3060 but whatever, you see my point).

Guessing you own the previous model, the 3080....your performance gain getting the 4080 is 56%, but is bloody well R20 000 which for us South Africans is the same as renting a beach front villa or 1 months salary for most. But thats not the point I dunno if you are the next Sultan of Brunei or a carpet seller.

So the price point, in my opinion, is too much. I'd advise waiting, especially considering Intels ARCS are now very very good and affordable....there will be changes and shakeups very soon.

FINAL FINALLY: All major reviewers, and comparision sites, actually currently recommend the 3080 as the optimal Price:performance over the 4080/4090.


Mar 31, 2014
COOLER QUESTION: Personally I find the liquid cooling systems a hassle. What is not told to you is you will need to maintain that system, requiring amazingly complicated trickery for the average user to cycle cleaning solutions and top up the distilled water (much like old car batteries really).

However, they are over and above the most effective system available.

Cooling is affected far more by case structure and layout + environmental concerns (hot country, is PC under desk, near window...) than by the actual choice of cooling method at BASE value.

Hilariously, just removing the side cover and putting your Tower casing on its side may decrease your cooling problems instantly (hot air goes upppp!)

So if it was me, I'd be lining the case with in/out airflows, keeping the heatsinks clean of dust (can use filters on the outside), and re-applying thermal gel once every six months.

The best Liquid Coolers are the ones you would expect. Corsair, Deepcool, Cooler Master...and a few specialists. Once again, it boils (aaahahaha) down to price, which is regional so I cannot just tell you X (unless you are sarf efrikan!)

Read these:


Apr 24, 2014
I have three 1440p monitors, so the total resolution is 7680x1440. I currently have an RTX 4060 TI that is around 45 FPS, but not max settings.

I can see a difference in 60 FPS and 120FPS. I want my FPS to never go below 120. If an overclocked 4080 or 4080 Super will get me there, I will go that route. If I need a 4090, then so be it. If the 4090 can't do it, I will just get a 4070 TI and wait for the 5090.


I want my FPS to never go below 120.
Depends on:
-cpu and ram
-how good the programming in the game engine is
-in some cases, the storage drive even comes into play
The gpu is the last thing in the pipeline. It can't go faster than the data being sent to it, but it can go slower, depending on eye candy settings.

Which brand is the best for reliable overclocking in a custom water loop?
Unlike the last 3 Geforce gens, which were power limited, the 40 series is voltage limited. This is even more restrictive than the former, meaning you have less to play around with, unless you pick up a 4090 Matrix or Galax HOF Plus, to name a couple.
There's not much left to reach for beyond what the automatic dynamic overclocking(Gpu Boost 5.0) already does, and memory overclocking can cost performance due to the built-in error correction; fixing detected memory errors adds latency.

I have three 1440p monitors, so the total resolution is 7680x1440.
Are you going to play across 3 monitors(7680 x 4320), or only one(2560 x 1440)? They are not the same to the gpu; the former is way harder, driving several times(900%) more pixels. On the latter, only the one screen is really doing anything, the other 2 screens aren't pushing it.


Apr 24, 2014
I am playing on all three screens to get an "in the driver seat" feeling. I will probably try some other driving games that have better triple screen support


I have seen a few triple screen videos, but they were all on setting up the triple screens, not the GPU performance
It doesn't have to be a triple screen video, but a video of the game(s) playing in 4K.
Your resolution is harder than 4K. Worse performance is expected, but how much - that's what the idea behind this is.
The ~33% increase in pixels doesn't reflect to 33% loss in performance.


Apr 24, 2014
Looks like Forza ideal for 4K is a 4080. So, a 4090 should be able to run 7680x1440 at 60 FPS.

Now to figure out which company makes the most robust GPU PCB (don't care about the cooling since I am doing a liquid cooling.
For Forza a 4090 should be able to maintain 60 fps minimum without trouble, but that won't necessarily translate to other games or future installments.

You're probably not going to find a big difference between PCBs and the best on the market (Asus Matrix) is insanely expensive. Buildzoid went over a couple of them on his YT channel (actually hardcore overclocking) some others may have done analysis, but I'm not aware of any.


Mar 3, 2015
Looking for inputs on the best GPU that I can get for my PC. I want to be able to get 165 fps at 7680x1440 on Forza Motorsport with all settings maxed and all options enabled.

I already have plenty of power supply, AMD Ryzen 7950X3D, PCIE 5.0 NVME SSD, and 64 GB DDR5 6000.

I will be adding water cooling with a giant radiator, so heat won't be an issue.

Will an RTX 4080 be able to run 165 fps at 7680x1440? Will the RTX 4080 Super, or do I just need a 4090?

Which brand is the best for reliable overclocking in a custom water loop?
Oh sure waste money a 4090 equipped with a soon-to-be-toast connector. Some folks on this board make me laugh. I hear from people who obviously have more money than sense. Hey, it's your money!