February 4, 2025 - What I find REALLY annoying is what I would call the "International Chicken Little" effect. A post, "report", or "news article" from some obscure source. Sends hundreds of thousand.. if not more... people into an uproar. It's like people are just waiting for an excuse to get upset or worry about something. I guess we can thank "unsocial media" for that. I think that it is time for people to calm down, and for real experts in various important industries to be given time to research what is true and what isn't. Fortunately in Tech we have honest brokers like Gamers' Nexus, JayZ, and Paul's Hardware to name a few. To do through, knowledgeable, and honest investigations. Personally, I really found it extremely unsettling when the whole burning power cable issue became such a big deal. I still have concerns about upgrading to a new GPU when the time comes. I have to wonder if my 1600 Watt PSU will be compatible with the new power cords etc. Stay well all.