News RTX can run without a GPU, if you like slideshows — Quake II RTX demoed at 1 FPS with CPU-based ray-tracing

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Pah. Years ago I played with Persistence of Vision Raytracer on an Atari ST. One scene, an image of a toy car in a fully texture-mapped scene took 36 HOURS to render at 320x200 resolution. That was with AA enabled though.

A friend's DX50 did the same scene in about the same time as the 5600x to render a frame from Quake II. Oh, for want of an FPU...
Kindly correct the article's title/heading, as it can be misleading.

The game was NOT running at 1 FPS as shown in the screen. 1 frame is actually been rendered every 15 minutes here. The overlay was displaying the wrong info. I have confirmed this from the developer/tester.

AMD 5600X CPU.
That’s perfect! I always wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on a ray traced slideshow machine!!!
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