CPU: Intel Core i7-10700K
GPU: EVGA RTX 3080 ti XC3 Ultra
PSU: EVGA Supernova 750w
Mainboard: ASUS Prime z490-a
RAM: 32GB Corsair Vengance LPX 3600Mhz
OS: Windows 10 Pro
First off, excuse my English.
I upgraded my GTX1080 to a 3080ti and was expecting a boost in performance, but so far my experience has been very frustrating and disappointing
I have been struggling with this for the past few days.
I tried many things, but nothing really seems to work, and I just don't know what the problem could be.
I play on a 1080p 240hz monitor, I play a few selected games on my 4k TV.
Games appear to run fine in 4k, but not in 1080p.
I have this Problem where I'm pretty sure I do not get the Fps I should in most games:
For example
CSGO: 200 fps
Apex: 200- 220 fps
Warzone: 110-130 fps
Battlefield 4: 160 fps
Some off these games are set to low or have dsll enabled, but there is no noticeable improvement, sometimes maybe about 20fps.
There are videos on YouTube with the same or very similar gpu and cpu setups that have way better performance, some get like 80fps more.
The only game that has similar performance to videos is Cyberpunk.
Some things I have tried:
I wiped my system clean and installed windows and all drivers from new,
Uninstalling Drivers with DDU,
Performance settings in windows and nvidia,
Gpu Temp is around: 80 °C
CPU about 60 °C
I hope someone might be able to help me out
Will provide any information that is needed.
Thank you!
GPU: EVGA RTX 3080 ti XC3 Ultra
PSU: EVGA Supernova 750w
Mainboard: ASUS Prime z490-a
RAM: 32GB Corsair Vengance LPX 3600Mhz
OS: Windows 10 Pro
First off, excuse my English.
I upgraded my GTX1080 to a 3080ti and was expecting a boost in performance, but so far my experience has been very frustrating and disappointing
I have been struggling with this for the past few days.
I tried many things, but nothing really seems to work, and I just don't know what the problem could be.
I play on a 1080p 240hz monitor, I play a few selected games on my 4k TV.
Games appear to run fine in 4k, but not in 1080p.
I have this Problem where I'm pretty sure I do not get the Fps I should in most games:
For example
CSGO: 200 fps
Apex: 200- 220 fps
Warzone: 110-130 fps
Battlefield 4: 160 fps
Some off these games are set to low or have dsll enabled, but there is no noticeable improvement, sometimes maybe about 20fps.
There are videos on YouTube with the same or very similar gpu and cpu setups that have way better performance, some get like 80fps more.
The only game that has similar performance to videos is Cyberpunk.
Some things I have tried:
I wiped my system clean and installed windows and all drivers from new,
Uninstalling Drivers with DDU,
Performance settings in windows and nvidia,
Gpu Temp is around: 80 °C
CPU about 60 °C
I hope someone might be able to help me out
Will provide any information that is needed.
Thank you!