Rumor: Microsoft Upgrading Xbox One Specs, Features

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Very unlikely.

It takes much more time to create and integrate a new graphics card into the system then what they had to change it. Entire new dev kits would have to be made and it could cause issues with software in the pipeline.
As long as the cooling system and silicon can handle the GPU clock increase, I see no problems with it.

And Family Sharing would be VERY beneficial to Xbox One and might help it regain some traction it lost at E3. But, I'm sure for a lot of people it is too little too late. As for me? Still haven't decided if I want to jump on the console bandwagon.
"But consumers were uninformed" - In reality it was the total opposite. They were informed, caught wind of XBOX shenanigans and desire to close their system and force always online and revolted against it. If it had not been for Playstation 4 being direct competition and not forcing their "consumers" into that sort of cage and taking advantage of the situation by playing up the fact, MS would have never changed the XBOX.
"Over the weekend, rumors surfaced that the final version of Microsoft's Xbox One will have different hardware specs than what was shown during E3 2013."
You mean different than the PC running windows 8?
They will certainly start caring after it's too late and everyone has already purchased the competition. I personally, for the first time iver in my 33 years of living, have NO INTEREST in playing the upcoming generation. I found fun in gaming again thanks to OUYA. It's not powerhouse but if someone actually takes advantage of NVIDIA's TEGRA tech, I can be playing every crytek engine game on that machine, for life, on someone's 300 CPU / GPU core server :) . Not bad for 100 bones.
Bullshit, because you didn't publish the updated story:
There has been a bit of controversy surrounding this topic. In an attempt to clarify further, I decided to contact my source based on the idea that the increase in clock speed may have been a confusion with the better utilization of ESRAM that Digital Foundry reported on earlier this month.

"The bump was supposed to have been planned prior to initial reveal. Any actual changes would have taken place during E3 Week. Effectively, the way the RAM is set out in the machine, Microsoft realized they could be more efficient in its use without sacrificing the amount set aside for OS operation. They immediately reacted.

Physical RAM won't be upped in time for November release as it was too late even during initial reveal, but developers are saying, in terms of efficiency of the RAM and the reported yield problems, Microsoft have made some snappy breakthroughs and gave the impression it was a straight up increase in clock speed; hence the rumor."
I cant imagine they would change HW this late in the release. That said, a clock booste seems totally understandable...though perhaps at the detriment of cooling. This isnt a mid tower box with ample fans.
Whats the point in bringing back the family plan. When they finally gave some details it turned out to be just a 15min to 1hr demo. Not the full game lending everyone thought it was.
I doubt these rumours. Anyway Xbox One is going to fail and I will explain why. The new head of Xbox division is a woman. She was only appointed to that position very recently but it's plausible she already had large influence before this. Females tend to have different taste in games to men. Men prefer murdering whereas women prefer dancing. The main purpose of Kinect is dancing games. Kinect is very expensive; possibly up to $200. If the new Xbox did not have mandatory Kinect it might have been cheaper than PS4 and therefore won the next console war but now it will lose because it is more expensive and also weaker because it had to be in order to keep the price from going even more ridiculously high. So Xbox will fail because of this woman. I realise this sounds sexist but I still love women anyway and won't be turning gay, so don't be upset ladies :)
Seeing how the cooling and air-flow is usually designed with the certain specs in mind (and they failed even that with previous gen), I wonder what color the ring of death will be this time.

Of course, they might surprise me, and the lifetime of the product is not much affected.
Doubt they can increase the clock since that is dependent on the chip. Considering AMD is sourcing both the PS4, an Xbox One chips. I doubt AMD can clock the Xbox One chip higher than the PS4 considering its a bigger chip. Its just physically impossible to do with such a large chip.

On the console front ?it doesn't Mather!surprised?you should be!donnybrook and other similar techno sleeping in ms stable can make any techno avail be it from computing or console blush with shame.why isn't it happening then?because only halo is controlled by ms .and programming a game via donnybrook is very different from programming as we all know halo might be just one game.yet halo made why Xbox is if some of what I saw in various techno including donnybrook rub off Xbox one?I don't sweat one minute about Xbox one will be enough.

I highly doubt Kinect being included with the Xbox One was a decision based on gaming preferences of the female CEO. That sounds absurd, to be honest.

It has a hell-of-a-lot more to do with the fact that peripherals that are not included with a console have a lot of difficulty gaining traction with 3rd party developers, because they have an initially small install base.

As far as male vs female gamers? Well, I read an article recently that had survey results showing that 94 percent of teenage girls are now gamers, and others have shown a high percentage of women in their early 20s who play videogames. In my honest opinion, it's an extremely under-served area of the market. There would be NOTHING stupid about including Kinect to appeal to female gamers... but, I still don't think that was a big factor in the decision.
Well, well... The Ram ingrease is easy to do, so it is posible. The change fro ddr to gddr at this moment is imposible, so that rumour is not valit. Increase in GPU clockspeed... Maybe, if they can provide enough cooling... If not we will see another ring of death... But it can be done. Later when production get better, it is easier to maintain cool chip and achieve the same frequensy... Maybe they are willing to camble and ingrase clockspeed and hope that in the future they can use cheaper cooling... It all depends on how much heat they are willing to accept inside Xbox.
So some of these are possible to do even this late in development, but nothing very radical can not be done if they are really going for release in this year... There can not be speed upgrades during the lifespan of the console or they will make program market for old and new consoles and that is allways bad... Thermal upgrades are the normal way of every console genaration.

it would be funny if it turns out that sony lied about the ps4 and that's its better than what they said it is just so Microsoft is stuck behind them in terms of power even if MS do some form of upgrade
Not cool Microsoft. The main issue you have with the PS4 is the fact that you decided to go with the weaker GPU (768 shaders vs 1152 for the PS4) and I don't think trying to tweak memory and speed is going to help make up for that. Also, there are things about Steam that I don't care for but -it's not locked to a particular piece of hardware or OS-. Get over it and stop spreading this sugar coated bollocks. You already have a fair level of DRM but that's not good enough is it? you want to have complete control and kill fair use and first sale. Sure... it's nice that you allow some 'sharing' in your little locked down license pardigm but how long do you expect us to believe you would keep doing that after you get a hold of the market? Not falling for it. Bottom line? as far as the GPU in the Xbox 1, you made your bed, now lie in it. As far as "having Steam for Xbox"? No.. Steam is bad enough.. we don't want something like that locked to hardware or os.. get the hell off our liberties and respect fair use and first sale!
Wait, back up.

So "fans" created a petition to get Microsoft to reinstate the DRM?

I can't decide which is more likely, that this is a Microsoft trick to go ahead with DRM anyways and be able to say "well they asked for!" or a Sony trick to try and get Microsoft to shoot itself in the foot.
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