I know I know, Runescape has bad graphics and stuff, but its free and it is very interesting! But the most important thing is that: ITS HUGE!, You wont belive it! 😀 😀 😀 [/img]
I guess this is the kind of person that plays Runescape, frankly when I am on holiday I tend to want to do things. Like going out on the motorbike, take my other half on a picnic or maybe go and catch a movie or two. Should gaming not be left for when you have nothing better to do / after work? Wait, you can think of better things to do than play Runescape right?Its good pass time if you are on vacation
I play Runescape on and off myself for about 5 years now, (level 105) and I think its a great game. Its good pass time if you are on vacation with a laptop or something and the graphics are great for Java based. Not to mention all of your time you put in isnt going to waste the game has been around for many years and I don't see it going away. WOW is what 20$ a month.. ya screw that thats like 6mbps more download a month i can get out of my ISP.