Russia and China

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46 years, 2 metric tons.. that isn't a lot at all considering efforts were underway to produce the material at the available sites. Given even that, those facilities are 40+ years old now. 91 grams per cubic centimeter.. do the math. Not easy to produce.. and even to switch over to producing it, something has to stop production to do that.
Simple answer do not trust Russia or China period.

And there you have it ... one ex-pat US citizen living in retirement in the Philippines does not like China or Russia.

Both countries should be lucky he is not John Rambo ... or there might be trouble.

In the meantime marv (purely for their peace of mind) would you consider a ceasefire so they can let the troups on their borders go back to normal operations and send some 50,000 or so home to see their families?

They are suffering considerable anxiety waiting for your next move in this intensely psychological war you have started.


All my friends who served, they all hated being in the DMZ at Korea. Anywhere else, they liked. The DMZ is pretty much crap. We need to make some more John Rambo type movies to scare them like we did back in old '91.