RUST fps drops


Feb 17, 2017
Hello everyone, i have these specifications:
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
CPU: Intel Pentium G3220 @ 3.00GHz
GPU: 1023MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 740
RAMS: 4,00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz

I'm playing rust on low graphics, 1280x720, and it is running pretty good, i have 60-100 fps all the time. But sometimes, i get freezed at 5-10 fps, can't do anything for 10-30 seconds, and some times, few second lags. I know i have not the best GPU, but if not drops, game is running perfectly. I managed to run task manager, and i saw that rust taking 2/4gb rams when playing rust, and 70-75%CPU. CPU is not that bad i think. By the way, i'm getting those in some situations like: Trying to get air drop, sometimes when shooting first bullet, and sometimes, when i go to big areas, but after some time being in those areas, fps gets normal again. So i wanted to ask, will upgrading ram to 8gb save me from those spikes?
Most likely a RAM issue, I have 8GB memory and its not not enough for me (as i need other programs running for various reasons). As Rust is an early access don't expect it to be too optimised. If you don't plan on using multiple programs at once, go for 8GB, if you do then go for 16GB+. This all depends also on how much you want to spend, but I would recommend getting more memory as this helps with a lot things other than just Rust
That is most likely from loading in game objects when you come into range of them. The worst problem ATM is massive bases. A big base can leave you helpless for as long as it needs to load all of the entities that are contained / parented to the building
Most likely a RAM issue, I have 8GB memory and its not not enough for me (as i need other programs running for various reasons). As Rust is an early access don't expect it to be too optimised. If you don't plan on using multiple programs at once, go for 8GB, if you do then go for 16GB+. This all depends also on how much you want to spend, but I would recommend getting more memory as this helps with a lot things other than just Rust