Question RX 580 and FX-8350, 550W PSU


Jun 5, 2019
So recently I bought the RX580 and my pc shuts down in games after some seconds, this wasn't happening to me with my old GPU (GT 730). I did uninstall the old drivers with DDU, and installed the latest drivers from Radeon. Also checked the temperature, and I was sure it couldn't be as the GPU is brand new, and the CPU is 70-ish.
To this moment I'm thinking the problem is the PSU because when it powers on, the Mobo alerts me of the Antisurge , that the psu failed or something like that. The PSU I have is Tacens Radix Vi 550W, what should I buy, I have a budget of 50~ euros. I thought buying the Nox Urano VX 750W 80+ Bronze 140MM PWM, what do you think?

Kind regards,
Tacens and Nox sell a lot of junky power supplies in Spain and Portugal.

Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that a new PSU will fix this particular problem. But that's the problem with a junk PSU: even if it stays functional to the level that nothing fries, the first time you get some odd behavior that needs diagnosing, you need to replace the junk PSU simply to rule it out as the problem.
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I think it's the PSU because after the crash the before boot screen ask me if run default settings because there was a power outage and Asus Antisurge took place, or something like that, could that be from something else? Just wondering
I'm NOT an expert, but it's kind of sounding like a PSU issue to me.

I don't suppose you've got a friend with a known good power supply that you could try out on your system just to verify that the PSU is the issue, prior to buying a new one of your own?
Well, I felt being sure to 100% when I've seen the before BIOS screen that says "F1 for default" and next line "ASUS Anti-surge took place because there was a power outage or something like", for me seems like the GPU gets too much power and the mobo gets less, and that's why shutting down, and that's because of the PSU lines, that's my logic, but just wanted to be sure.
I'll order tomorrow the Seasonic S12II 620 80+ Bronze, if the problem persist gonna try to see more logs or something, and if I can't solve gonna return the gpu and psu, or maybe just the gpu.
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So I got the PSU today, all right, I recommend the Seasonic S12II, just by the unboxing and the packages it gives you gives you the quality feel. Also the Seasonic one weights like the double of the Tacens one haha
Thanks for your help
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