RX 580 running slower than 1050 Ti ?

Oct 4, 2018
I just bought RX 580 8Gb to replace my 1050Ti. After installing the driver, I tried to play CSGO with the same settings as I used on 1050 TI (max graphic + mot. blur)

while my 1050 Ti got the average of 121FPS,
the RX 580 only got the average of 79FPS.

Confused, I tried to check the WattMan.
Running on 100% load with 90'C which is normal (I think?)

then I tried MSI Kombustor's Lakes of Titan x64

My 1050Ti's average fps is 69FPS
while the RX580 got about 38FPS

Here's the other part details :
Windows 7 SP1 x64
ASUS H81M-E LGA 1150
Intel Core i3 - 4150 @3.5Ghz
RAM DDR3 16Gb 1600
dA DENGEN PSU 600W 80+ Bronze

please enlight this lost + confused lamb
I've heard numerous times in Digital Foundry's videos that the AMD drivers don't work as well with dual-cores as Nvidia drivers do. But they're usually comparing the GTX 1060 to the RX 580. That is odd though, I wouldn't' think there would be that much difference. What brand RX 580 is it that is running 90C? That's a bit warm for a non-reference card.


May 11, 2012
Usually AMD cards can handle 90c, anything above would be a concern. Why is it running so hot? Is your cpu also running high temps? Have you tried turning off motion blur?Might be the problem for getting low fps. You could put on your own thermal paste, might get 12-20c difference in temps. Depending on your gpu's brand, they don't mind if you do that and won't void the warranty. Such as MSI.
Oct 4, 2018

PowerColor-Red Devil RX 580 8Gb

90'C running with normal clock (not OCed)
Oct 4, 2018

actually, just now my PSU burned out while my RX 580 running 90'C.

Im on my way to buy a new PSU, for CPU temps, it stays around 49'C - 58'C
I saw that PSU you listed and never heard of it. Almost told you to replace it. PSU is important. Let us know what your options are.

Or, here is a quick reference PSU Tier list if you don't have time for a response. Try to get Tier 1 or 2 and 3 if you have to. Some Tier 4 are okay like the SeaSonic. S12II/M12II (the list isn't exact). https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/631048-psu-tier-list-updated/

Red Devil shouldn't be 90C.

Oct 4, 2018

it's probably Corsair TX750M 750 Watt 80+ Gold
Seasonic Focus+ Gold 750 Watt 80+ Gold

is it possible that my Red Devil run over 90'C because of my chasis airflow? or is it from my PSU?
Oct 4, 2018
I've been googling for a while and found some vague answer

1. Driver issues. It's possible that my old 1050Ti's driver are not fully uninstalled. OR I used the wrong driver (should've download it directly from AMD / PowerColor site)
2. Proccessor compatibility issues (?). Looks like my 4th gen i3 are a little bit old (worst scenario, because I must pay some $500 more if that's true)
3. PSU problem.

any opinion about these?
Yes, I already mentioned your processor will hold you back some with the RX 580.
Remove old drivers with Display Driver Unininstaller.
Get a new PSU regardless. Your old one was a safety hazard. I just looked it up and it only has 20Amps on the +12V rail. That's 240W of available power to your main components.
90'C is way way too hot for GPU, I can OC mine to 1500/2200 and it doesn't get that hot.

Best way to know if its because of airflow in the case is to remove one side of the case, and see how that extra air cools it, if it does, then its probably airflow. If it doesn't maybe faulty GPU.

Also you need to use DDU and get rid of ALL drivers on your computer
Oct 4, 2018

I'll try to install clean everything (OS, BIOS, HDD) tomorrow after I buy the new PSU
Don't go jumping in, wiping everything, that is a last resort.

DDU will sort you out, and make sure side of case is off. The thing about DDU is that you need to download the drivers first from AMD, I would recommend getting their Official 18.5.1 and their latest 18.9.3 because sometimes you find the latest are not as stable as the older ones.

Post screenshot of wattman while running furmark.
Download furmark run it for 15min, then open wattman and post screenshot of it.
RX 480/580 i think have in common something, if they run Quiet at high temps the clocks will lower down from 1266 for example to 600Mhz, thats what you see.
Because there are options in wattman for quitness as I call it, you can choose fan RPM per target temperature and ofc target fan RPM, and there is option to sacrifice Core speed for lower fan speed making card hotter and lower perfomance.

You are probably right. At 90C I bet it's throttling with Wattman. That's what I didnt' like about Wattman. It has that target temp and it will throttle clock speed instead of just maxing fan speed. Need to improve airflow. Like the other poster said, remove the side-panel and see if temps and performance improve. But, replace that PSU first!
Oct 4, 2018
ok i will try using DDU and re install the driver from AMD site before performing clean install tomorrow after i bought the new PSU

correct me if im wrong, but from what i heard (from other site), its better to use Wattman for AMD than Afterburner because they'll conflict each other. Is this correct or wrong? which one i should use from now on?

for the furmark, its fine to just use MSI Kombustor right?
You wouldn't use both at the same time. Just use one or the other. Close Wattman or disable it. It's been a while since I've used Wattman. But I know you can use MSI Afterburner if you prefer. I did it for a long time with multiple AMD GPUs in a mining rig settings each GPU to it's own clocks speeds and settings.

or you can spend hours trying to learn how to configure Wattman. It's up to you.
Oct 4, 2018

how to disable Wattman? tbh I prefer Afterburner since my experience with it r longer than Wattman
Oct 4, 2018
So, I bought a new PSU (Corsair TX750M 750 Watt 80+ Gold). Nothing changes.
Re-adjust the air flow inside my chasis, 1 exhaust on rear, 2 intake from top, 1 intake from front. Reduced the heat to 75'C on 100% load.
Used DDU to remove NVIDIA and AMD drivers completely and re-install it directly from PowerColor site. Nothing changes.

Before I do the reset (OS, BIOS, HDD), any option that I can do? if even the reset wont do, then it falls to the worst scenario :
My proccessor hinders the RX 580 performance and need to be replaced (cost $500).

Update : I just run system benchmark : http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/11283358


May 11, 2012
75c on load is about average maybe you just have a chip that runs higher temps. My 580 overclocked runs around 72c under load. 2 intake fans infront, 1 intake on the side panel, 220mm exhaust on the back, 1 exhaust ontop. If you want lower temps try a 220 mm for the exhaust.