Question RX 6600XT suddenly black screen during idle

Aug 21, 2023
Hello all,

So I just bought this Gigabyte Eagle RX 6600XT but I keep having problems with it.

The PC boots just fine. I am able to get into windows. But, the first time, I suddenly got a black screen while sitting idle on the desktop. When I restarted the PC I got a notification from the AMD driver software that " the display drivers ran into a problem and restarted", the classic <Mod Edit> AMD driver error.

Then second time, while I was watching youtube the same thing happened. However, this time the driver software gave no notification.

When the black screen happens, this weird audio comes out of the headphones. Like a constant loud static noise.

I have ran a bunch of benchmarks(Superposition and Furmark) on the GPU and I encountered no problems during the benchmark runs.

Now I am wondering if the issue is <Mod Edit> AMD drivers or the GPU itself. If the former, then I can deal with it by downgrading the driver version or something but if it is the latter then I would have to replace the card.

The card itself is used but the seller gave me a warranty of a full month. Now I am questioning if I should return it or keep it because I got a good deal on the card.

CPU: i3-10100
RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX
PSU: Corsair CX600
GPU: Gigabyte Eagle RX 6600XT
Mobo: Gigabyte H410M H

Edit: Now I just keep getting black screen after black screen. I am gonna DDU the old drivers and try re installing the drivers.
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update the motherboard's BIOS

check if a vbios is available from the gigabyte homepage

how oldnis your cx600 PSU?

run and post the link from the result
Aug 21, 2023
After updating the bios things are even worse now. Now I get "no signal" after power on. I reseated the gpu and the power connectors but nothing changed. I plugged in my old RX 5500XT and it works just fine. The iGPU also works fine. I think im gonna return the 6600xt and ask for a refund/replacement. This is simply not worth the hassle. Thanks for the help though!
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