Question RX 6800 Micro Stutters


Feb 23, 2015
I upgraded from an RTX 2060 to an RX 6800 back in March. Since then I have noticed that almost every game that I play has micro stuttering. One example is Destiny 2. It ran completely stutter free on my RTX 2060, but after the upgrade it stutters constantly. Then I started playing other games on the highest settings and noticed the same thing happening on Apex Legends, COD MW2, RE 4 Remake, Dead Island 2, Cyberpunk 2077, The Last of US. Then there are some games that run completely fine on the highest settings like Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Division 2.

I also notice that AMD Software: Adrenaline Edition shows that I'm getting pretty high FPS for all of these games. I also recently upgraded my PSU to a Corsair CX-M Series CX750M. I will also include my results from UserBenchmark. Honestly not sure where to go from here, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

Numbers from LoserBenchmark... There's nothing more cringe-worthy than that.

Did you run DDU when you changed from your RTX 2060 to RX 6800? If you didn't, that could cause a whole myriad of problems and you should run it now and then re-install the Adrenalin Driver Package..
Try running some realtime monitoring to see if there are CPU/GPU spikes/dropouts as this is happening to get an idea (RivaTuner/HWMonitor have served me well for this, HWMonitor is the easier choice if you have multiple screens).

Also if you have a SSD with very little free space on it being where your games are this can cause issues which would be unrelated to the GPU change.
Hmmm... Ok, that's odd. If he uses a Ryzen CPU, has he updated his chipset drivers? Most people don't even know that's a thing. I actually came across it by accident when I was on AMD's website and just looking at what drivers were available. Out of date mohterboard chipset drivers can cause instability as well.
Yeah, let me update my profile to show my PC specs really quick.
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Try running some realtime monitoring to see if there are CPU/GPU spikes/dropouts as this is happening to get an idea (RivaTuner/HWMonitor have served me well for this, HWMonitor is the easier choice if you have multiple screens).

Also if you have a SSD with very little free space on it being where your games are this can cause issues which would be unrelated to the GPU change.
Yeah, it's on an SSD but I have 400 GB of free space.
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Try running some realtime monitoring to see if there are CPU/GPU spikes/dropouts as this is happening to get an idea (RivaTuner/HWMonitor have served me well for this, HWMonitor is the easier choice if you have multiple screens).

Also if you have a SSD with very little free space on it being where your games are this can cause issues which would be unrelated to the GPU change.
Ok, I'll give that a try when I get the chance.
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Hmmm... Ok, that's odd. If he uses a Ryzen CPU, has he updated his chipset drivers? Most people don't even know that's a thing. I actually came across it by accident when I was on AMD's website and just looking at what drivers were available. Out of date mohterboard chipset drivers can cause instability as well.
GPU: AMD RX 6800
MotherBoard: MSI Z490-A PRO
CPU: Intel Core i7-10700 10th Generation 8-core 16-Thread 2.9GHz
RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 32GB 3200MHz (4 x 8GB)
PSU: Corsair CX-M Series CX750M
Main Drive: SanDisk Ultra 1GB

These are my current PC specs.
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Try running some realtime monitoring to see if there are CPU/GPU spikes/dropouts as this is happening to get an idea (RivaTuner/HWMonitor have served me well for this, HWMonitor is the easier choice if you have multiple screens).

Also if you have a SSD with very little free space on it being where your games are this can cause issues which would be unrelated to the GPU change.
Here's a link to another video, might be a bit until it's available in 1080p. Unfortunately Rivatuner won't work with Destiny 2 because Bungie doesn't allow third party apps. The FPS counter wouldn't work, but I hope this video is a little better.
Sounds good, thanks.
Well, I've thought about it and what keeps coming back to my train of thought is this paragraph:
"I upgraded from an RTX 2060 to an RX 6800 back in March. Since then I have noticed that almost every game that I play has micro stuttering. One example is Destiny 2. It ran completely stutter free on my RTX 2060, but after the upgrade it stutters constantly."

You clearly know what you're doing based on the steps you've already taken to solve the problem and this has been occurring since day one with none of your steps being able to solve it.

I think that, at this point, there's no question that the card itself has a hardware defect. There's nothing else in your system that could be causing this and the only variable between the way your system was and the way your system is currently has been the video card.

Try this idea that I have:
  1. Pop out your RX 6800
  2. Slot in your RTX 2060
  3. Run DDU
  4. Install the GeForce driver package
  5. Play Destiny 2
If the problem no longer exists, then I would contact whatever AIB partner made your RX 6800 concerning an RMA. You've done literally everything else to fix this problem and I know that it's not the Adrenalin drivers because I use the exact same drivers with my RX 6800 XT (same card, clocked higher) and have no issues whatsoever.

If it were anything else in your system, it would've caused the same problem with your RTX 2060 but this only started with the installation of the RX 6800.
Well, I've thought about it and what keeps coming back to my train of thought is this paragraph:
"I upgraded from an RTX 2060 to an RX 6800 back in March. Since then I have noticed that almost every game that I play has micro stuttering. One example is Destiny 2. It ran completely stutter free on my RTX 2060, but after the upgrade it stutters constantly."

You clearly know what you're doing based on the steps you've already taken to solve the problem and this has been occurring since day one with none of your steps being able to solve it.

I think that, at this point, there's no question that the card itself has a hardware defect. There's nothing else in your system that could be causing this and the only variable between the way your system was and the way your system is currently has been the video card.

Try this idea that I have:
  1. Pop out your RX 6800
  2. Slot in your RTX 2060
  3. Run DDU
  4. Install the GeForce driver package
  5. Play Destiny 2
If the problem no longer exists, then I would contact whatever AIB partner made your RX 6800 concerning an RMA. You've done literally everything else to fix this problem and I know that it's not the Adrenalin drivers because I use the exact same drivers with my RX 6800 XT (same card, clocked higher) and have no issues whatsoever.

If it were anything else in your system, it would've caused the same problem with your RTX 2060 but this only started with the installation of the RX 6800.
Thanks for taking the time to help! I'll make sure to try that by the end of day and see if anything changes.
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