Computers with nvidia are more stable.
Works better with intel cpus and igpus.
With dual graphics setup Intel igpu and gpu have thr best combo for idle watts. You can run 3 monitors with wallpaper engine only using 20% of igpu capabilities. 5 or 6w of power draw.
And keep the high refresh rate with out burn 100w idle.
Nvidia gpus are far better than AMD ones. It's why they have almost 100% dominance over gpu market.
Having just moved to a 7900XT after 15 years of Team Green, I'm happy to say in my experience that's tosh.
You can't really compare iGPU and discrete on power draw, that's an apples and oranges comparison. Thanks to the superb monitor app that's included in drivers, I can see that at 1440p @ 85hz + 1440p @ 75hz power draw is fine - I've had 1440p @ 144hz + 1440p @ 75hz with no difference in power draw, but on the desktop? I really don't see the point or any difference. It
does takes a jump with a third monitor no matter what I do to refresh rates - I'll happily admit that, but you know what - it's maybe £5 more expensive a year? I'll take that as an offset on the price vs nvidia thanks.
In gaming, it's powerful, smooth, quiet and thus far rock steady. I was 100% nvidia after some awful experiences with CCC in about 2008 (I had a Sapphire something or other and it just never ran reliably at all), but I'm so happy I switched - and my motivation was entirely a protest at price gouging. I've voted with my wallet and it's opened up a new option for every GPU purchase going forward.