[SOLVED] Rx580 low gpu usage ingame


Dec 8, 2017
Hello, i have the following problem, my rx580 sits around 40 degrees and 20% usage in "Black Desert Online" and i get from 70 to 120 fps on lowest setting posible!
Every other game i play gpu usage is maxed out, i dont think is a bottleneck problem since my cpu is around 30-50% usage in most games!
My curent configuration is this:
Cpu-Ryzen 5 1600X
Gpu-Sapphire Rx580 4Gb
Motherboard-Ssrock b350 gaming k4
Ram-16gb of Corsair Vengeance Lpx 3200Mhz
Psu-Seasonic M12II-520 EVO
Also, i play on 1080p and only if i change to 4k, gpu usage goes up but i get the same fps!
Maybe the game is too old to push the gpu to full usage. You get decent fps with low usage. I get the same with an old game on my gpu. I wouldnt fuss over it.