Ryzen 1500x Not working with Asus Mobo

Apr 11, 2018
I just bought a Ryzen 1500x and an Asus b350 plus Motherboard, when i turn it on, everything powers on except my mouse, keyboard and monitor.(they're all wired). I'm not sure what to do since i cant even access the bios. Took it to a computer shop and they couldn't tell me what the problem was either. I tried replacing the PSU thinking that might be the issue but still nothing. Anyone here got a suggestion or two for me? I tried returning it to the shop that i bought it from and they refused to take the crap back now that its opened... So now its my burden to bare.

Heres my build:
Asus B350 Plus Motherboard
Ryzen 5 1500x (using ryzen 7 heat sink)
Ripjaw DDR4 2400ghz x2 4gb (8gb) RAM
Sapphire 7970 GPU
250GB Sandisk SSD
1 TB Western Dig Hard drive
x2 Corsair fans
The board might need a BIOS update for supporting the CPU. Try telling the guys at the computer shop to install a Ryzen 1700 for example and update the board's BIOS.