Ryzen 5 1600x safe cpu voltage


Jul 9, 2017
so what is the safe vcore voltage for this cpu? i read it is somewere between 1.35v and 1.45v. I am talking here for 24/7 daily use. I have my oced to 4ghz on 1.375v and i dont know if it is safe and will not damage the cpu in the long run. My stock voltage was 1.45v... after the bios update on the crosshair 6 hero the stock voltage was the same so i dont think that it would be safe to use on that much voltage ? or am i wrong? so i am asking here.
thank you in advance.
AMD has stated that 1.45v is fine with sufficient cooling (custom loop). For a daily clock, I wouldn't go over 1.4v, regardless of cooling. I've run as high as 1.52v for benchmarking.

Your 4.0 @ 1.375v is just fine for a daily clock. I would suggest, though, setting LLC to lvl 3, and try lowering the voltage.

CPU Load Line Calibration and CPU Current Capability settings. Ignore the rest for now. I'll take some screeshots of my complete bios setup for my daily.....would be a good place to start. Until then....open up your owners manual, and familiarize yourself with the bios.

My also want to make sure that you've updated to the latest bios version. Should be 1403.


I would never go as far as 1.45v, that's just insane, this isn't bulldozer. I'd say 1.4v is the limit for what i'd recommend. It's also hardly necessary. Beyond around 3.85ghz, ryzen needs stupid amounts of voltage. I'd say 1.35-1.375 is the perfect voltage and you should be able to hit almost 3.875ghz. You'd probably need 1.4v or a little more to hit 3.9-4ghz. Be sure to monitor temps too.

i hit the 4ghz on 1.375v http:// and it is stable. i have idle temps of 32-38c with x62 kraken. While gaming on BF1 with all ultra settings i have like 50-59c max i saw was 69 on aida64 for 2s and then the cooler cought up with the temp and went down to stable 61c all the time of the test.


plz explain couse i am new to this overclocking 😀
AMD has stated that 1.45v is fine with sufficient cooling (custom loop). For a daily clock, I wouldn't go over 1.4v, regardless of cooling. I've run as high as 1.52v for benchmarking.

Your 4.0 @ 1.375v is just fine for a daily clock. I would suggest, though, setting LLC to lvl 3, and try lowering the voltage.

CPU Load Line Calibration and CPU Current Capability settings. Ignore the rest for now. I'll take some screeshots of my complete bios setup for my daily.....would be a good place to start. Until then....open up your owners manual, and familiarize yourself with the bios.

My also want to make sure that you've updated to the latest bios version. Should be 1403.



thanks for the info. i tried using the 1403 version but then i get the x22 bug were the cpu is stuck on2.2ghz.... i am runing the 9920 version from asus
i did as you said with the llc and the cpu current capability and i am now down to 1.34375v on the cores. so not bad at all :) thanks for the tips. now i am lower then the 1.35v mark and i am satisfied with this cpu. i came from the fx 8350 and man this chip is an improvement over the fx 😀 now i am hyped for the zen 2.0. as for the bios. i even had the 1501 version and had other issues so flashbacked to 9920 and will be waiting for another version
Wow thats great I have to set it to 1.41 - 1.42v to have a stable 4Ghz OC. on my 1600 ...I will try to thechange the LLC


Im, running my 1600X at 1.300v stable at 4Ghz. H110i cpu cooler. Golden chip..? just got it, and my new motherboard with ram 4 days ago.

Top 15%, but I wouldn't say golden. If it's stable at 4.2 @ 1.45v or lower, then you'd have a golden CPU.