[SOLVED] Ryzen 5 3500 and rtx 2060 super bottleneck


May 18, 2013
Will the ryzen 5 3500 and rtx 2060 super create a bottleneck for modern games at 720p or 1080p gaming with modern titles like metro exodus,sottr etc??
So if i play at 1080p with high graphical settings, I'll be able to play without any lags or stuttering at a minimum of 60fps for modern tittles???

In a small number of games today you might need to turn down a few quality settings from Ultra to High to maintain a minimum of 60fps...but that has more to do with the 2060 GPU than the Ryzen 3500. The 3500 is more than capable of pushing the 2060 beyond 60fps in the majority of games. The problem with buying the 3500 is longevity...as in it likely won't be able to keep up 2-3 years down the road. As I said above the 3600 is a much better option if you can afford it...it's what I am using with a Vega 56 (similar performance to the 2060) and I rarely drop below 90fps with some minor...
I wouldn't buy a 3500...it's not much cheaper than a 3600 which is a much better cpu.

But to answer your question no, the 3500 won't bottleneck a 2060 super unless you're running 720p with low quality graphics settings and I can't think of a single reason to do so.
I wouldn't buy a 3500...it's not much cheaper than a 3600 which is a much better cpu.

But to answer your question no, the 3500 won't bottleneck a 2060 super unless you're running 720p with low quality graphics settings and I can't think of a single reason to do so.
So if i play at 1080p with high graphical settings, I'll be able to play without any lags or stuttering at a minimum of 60fps for modern tittles???
I would suggest you use the 3600 which has SMT 6c/12t. I would want to point out that there is always a bottleneck in the system depending on which program you use. Sometime the GPU is bottlenecking, sometimes it can be the CPU. I can write a 3rd testament about that.

However, A R5 3600 + RTX 2060 is more than statisfactory for playing games at 1080p 60fps.
Hope this helps!
So if i play at 1080p with high graphical settings, I'll be able to play without any lags or stuttering at a minimum of 60fps for modern tittles???

In a small number of games today you might need to turn down a few quality settings from Ultra to High to maintain a minimum of 60fps...but that has more to do with the 2060 GPU than the Ryzen 3500. The 3500 is more than capable of pushing the 2060 beyond 60fps in the majority of games. The problem with buying the 3500 is longevity...as in it likely won't be able to keep up 2-3 years down the road. As I said above the 3600 is a much better option if you can afford it...it's what I am using with a Vega 56 (similar performance to the 2060) and I rarely drop below 90fps with some minor tweaks to game quality settings.
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