what are temps like at idle?
95C is max CPU should run at, it will start to throttle down at that temp - I see your max during the test was 95C, or at least, your PC reached it today so you might want to look at cooling in the case. It might pay to look at mounting of cooler, but it sort of depends on what idle temps are.
The game I have been playing doesn't raise CPU temps at all, it was about 41c during the game, I should try something harder maybe, 8 threads were running at 4.3ghz at some stage though.
Ambient is base it won't go below, so it does have some effect. No Air-conditioning there? no windows to open? I live in Australia, no A/C myself but I have put dark covers on windows and it keeps heat out.
I use a 240mm AIO and although its 2c here right now, my CPU never goes below 36C except at startup on cold mornings, then it only goes above 30 if I run a video. It also never goes above 41C even if the ambient outside is 39C, I don't open windows on those days. I may increase AIO fan speeds to combat warmer temps, it wasn't really a hot summer that just passed so I will have to wait 9 months before I get hot days again.
Ryzen temps are not consistent as there is something like 500 temp sensors on the Ryzen 3600 cores, and so the max temp you see is likely 1 core only, mine uses cores 0 & 1 more than any others, So the max temp is 1 core, the other 5 are likely in less active states. It wakes one core when it needs a job done, it boosts to max or what speed is necessary, and then it races to idle again, so the CPU (tcl/tdie) is max temp of any core, but its constantly going up to and down about 9c all day. If you like me and just want to know a more stable temp, use one of the other 2.
the one I use is very close to what Ryzen Master records for CPU, but they haven't shared the formula with HWINFO so it isn't a total match -