[SOLVED] Ryzen 5 5600 temps?


May 17, 2012
I just upgraded my mobo, cpu and gpu. Gigabyte b550m DS3H, Ryzen 5 5600, rx 6650 xt. I'm just using the stock fan/heatsink that came with the 5600. I've got idle temps of 43-44, when I move my mouse over a youtube video that alone makes it jump to 56. However, I tried playing Battlefield 2042 and thought it was running pretty well but I decided to open the AMD Adrenalin overlay to look at temps and they were high. High enough I immediately closed the game. Tried fortnite on performance mode and had like 60 celsius with fps capped to 120, when uncapped it quickly climbed to 85. Loaded Battlefield again and it was at 92 as soon as I got in-game.

I did struggle a little bit with the heatsink (getting it lined up and the last screw in, did the whole diagonal tightening of the screws and stuff, honestly don't know what my problem was) but I got it finally and I'm pretty certain it is seated well. Are the stock coolers on these cpus just this bad or did I mess up while seating the heatsink? Could there be something I'm missing? Can I reseat it without reapplying thermal paste? I only installed it literally like 5 hours ago, but I hear air bubbles are a concern. I've got some old Cooler Master thermal paste that I >think< is still good, I'm just not certain. If the stock cooler is really just That bad, I've also got a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo (think that was the name) that I could snatch from the mobo/cpu I just replaced, but was really hoping to keep those together for another pc, but I'd also really like to not fry my brand new CPU.

Note: I've only used AMD Adrenalin for the monitoring, I actually don't know how reliable it is, I'm guessing its pretty accurate but I suppose I should give Afterburner or something a try just to confirm.
That's a beast. I probably won't be able to get it until next month.

Been doing a little reading and it seems like 95 degrees on a 5600x is actually normal and expected. Anyone have a 5600 or experience with one and know if its the same? More to the point, should I be concerned at all reaching those temps in the next couple weeks and avoid games that do so? Maybe try undervolting until I can afford the cooler? Just can't afford to damage this thing.
As stated earlier, if the CPU gets too hot, it will slow itself down to a safe temperature. You really don't need to overthink this. You'll be fine.
Your CPU will slow itself down if it gets too hot. However, the stock AMD fans are not bad, per se. They are designed to meet the minimum cooling needs of the paired CPUs, albeit loud and less effective than more expensive after-market coolers.

I have no doubt in the accuracy of the temperatures reported, AMD should know how to measure AMD performance.

There are better options that the Hyper 212 series. What is your budget?

BTW, the thermal material used with the AMD CPUs is excellent. Replacing will likely make no difference in this scenario.
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Yeah, from everything I seen it seemed they were decent enough. I expected to see high 70s and mid 80s. Never expected to see 92 the moment I loaded into a game though, that seems dangerously higher.

I'd assume it is accurate, but having never used it and having no knowledge of it I figured it'd be worth mentioning in the off-chance it isn't accurate for some reason. Can't seem to get afterburner working with anything atm, so I'll just take its word.

Budget is basically gone, used up on those three parts. Only reason I'd even consider stealing the fan from the old build.

My concern isn't so much the quality of the thermal pad or whatever that came on the Wraith cooler. More concerned that maybe during my fiddling with it to get it seated and screwed in that I could have possibly messed it up some how. Oh, I also did slightly touch the thermal pad to my pants before placing it on, just enough to know that I had done it. Don't ask how, I'm an idiot, I'm not even for sure. lol

Think the Hyper 212 would at least keep me in the 80s and prevent throttling? It's quite a bit beefier and always kept my i5-6600k cooled sufficiently... I believe.
You will not find a better cooler for the price. It is 150mm tall dual tower dual fan for $36.


My 5800x3d never hits 80°C.
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That's a beast. I probably won't be able to get it until next month.

Been doing a little reading and it seems like 95 degrees on a 5600x is actually normal and expected. Anyone have a 5600 or experience with one and know if its the same? More to the point, should I be concerned at all reaching those temps in the next couple weeks and avoid games that do so? Maybe try undervolting until I can afford the cooler? Just can't afford to damage this thing.
That's a beast. I probably won't be able to get it until next month.

Been doing a little reading and it seems like 95 degrees on a 5600x is actually normal and expected. Anyone have a 5600 or experience with one and know if its the same? More to the point, should I be concerned at all reaching those temps in the next couple weeks and avoid games that do so? Maybe try undervolting until I can afford the cooler? Just can't afford to damage this thing.
As stated earlier, if the CPU gets too hot, it will slow itself down to a safe temperature. You really don't need to overthink this. You'll be fine.
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Sweet. Just so used to "max" temps being quite a bit lower and all the warnings that you would kill your cpu at these types of temps. As long as it's safe I'm good, even tempted to maybe just run with these current temps, but I'll probably go ahead and buy that cooler anyways for the ease of mind if nothing else. Thanks for all the help.