Question Ryzen 5700G problems.

Jan 27, 2024
First a quick intro. Needing help I just reggied Tom's after a many year hiatus. Still figure it's always the best Pooter source to hit up. Soooo... I built a new box for strict Web browsing, email, music, vid and youtube use and not much more. To keep the cost down I decided to try a complete AMD system opting for the 5700G processor on a B550M Asrock Steel Legend board with 32gigs of Corsair Vengeance 4000mhz. ram. Altho I did not find it on the Q list I figured it would still work. And it does work altho one of my first discoveries was having it set on auto it was running at like 2300mhz. So, initiating XMP and setting at 3600 it seemed to be working fine. I had decided to forgo a Graphics card and rely on the onboard and dutifully set it up for 8gigs of vRam. I have now struggled with the intermittent lockup in videos (Freezes and then clears after 30 seconds or so) since inception. I have tried various vram and mhz settings and even bought and returned both a 6600 amd graphics card and another identical 32gigs of ram. The card didnt seem to help and the ram helped some but not completely. Now I am wondering could it really be the 4000mhz ram? Should I put out for 3200 or 3600 that's on the Q list? Looking like the more expensive but good ol tried and true Intel system would have saved me a lot of headaches. Hope somebody's got an answer.


Jan 3, 2024
I mean, you should not really be having these issues, in theory at least. That QVL looks limited to me. Maybe try to roll with it and pick the best ram on the list? One of the Hyperx models i guess.
First a quick intro. Needing help I just reggied Tom's after a many year hiatus. Still figure it's always the best Pooter source to hit up. Soooo... I built a new box for strict Web browsing, email, music, vid and youtube use and not much more. To keep the cost down I decided to try a complete AMD system opting for the 5700G processor on a B550M Asrock Steel Legend board with 32gigs of Corsair Vengeance 4000mhz. ram. Altho I did not find it on the Q list I figured it would still work. And it does work altho one of my first discoveries was having it set on auto it was running at like 2300mhz. So, initiating XMP and setting at 3600 it seemed to be working fine. I had decided to forgo a Graphics card and rely on the onboard and dutifully set it up for 8gigs of vRam. I have now struggled with the intermittent lockup in videos (Freezes and then clears after 30 seconds or so) since inception. I have tried various vram and mhz settings and even bought and returned both a 6600 amd graphics card and another identical 32gigs of ram. The card didnt seem to help and the ram helped some but not completely. Now I am wondering could it really be the 4000mhz ram? Should I put out for 3200 or 3600 that's on the Q list? Looking like the more expensive but good ol tried and true Intel system would have saved me a lot of headaches. Hope somebody's got an answer.
Have you tried disabling xmp and setting the correct ram speed with it enabled?
Jan 27, 2024
OK, what? I am open to anything at this point. I found 4 sticks of 8gig 3200 that was on the q list only to be contacted the next day saying they were sorry but they actually didn't have it and were refunding my money. So I am stepping down my 4000 ram looking for the sweet spot but it really looks like it just will not work. But you say disabling xmp setting correct ram speed (which is what exactly?) And with what enabled?
Just to be clear, even with Intel systems you cannot just buy whatever kit of RAM, especially the fast ones, and just expect it to work flawlessly. CPUs have integrated memory controllers that only guarantee the standard JDEC speeds will work. If you want faster kits with XMP/DOCP/EXPO profiles they only have a chance at working. 4000 M/Ts kits are the upper limit of what one can expect a 5700g to handle with its memory controller. Looks like you got unlucky. I would try setting the XMP/DOCP profile for the RAM in BIOS, but them manually setting the speed to 3600 M/Ts. Doing it in this order will maintain the timings of the profile while adjusting the speed lower as an attempt to create stability. If that still causes issues the memory controller may just not like that particular kit of corsair RAM. At that point I would get a QVL kit of RAM. If that still has issues post back here.
Jan 27, 2024
Thankyou for that. I have been doing that and am now at 3600. Unfortunately still getting short lockups. I think you are right in that this ram will just not work. I have spent the last couple of hours looking for compatible ram on the list. Finally found what I think will work at Newegg. It's the Gskill Trident z Royal Series 16gb. (2 8s). Unfortunately this has an added letter on the end. F4-3600C16D-16GTRGC as opposed to F4-3600C16D-16GTRG on the list. Anyone feel this will not qualify? I can send it back but what a pain. Will be making this purchase shortly.
Thankyou for that. I have been doing that and am now at 3600. Unfortunately still getting short lockups. I think you are right in that this ram will just not work. I have spent the last couple of hours looking for compatible ram on the list. Finally found what I think will work at Newegg. It's the Gskill Trident z Royal Series 16gb. (2 8s). Unfortunately this has an added letter on the end. F4-3600C16D-16GTRGC as opposed to F4-3600C16D-16GTRG on the list. Anyone feel this will not qualify? I can send it back but what a pain. Will be making this purchase shortly.
If it does not have the exact model number it is not the same. I would go here and search for your motherboard to see what RAM kits are compatible with your motherboard. Motherboard manufacturers only test so many kits, however, some RAM companies test a ton of kits on different motherboards, so although they may not be on the motherboards QVL, they are confirmed compatible by the RAM manufacturer. Here is the search results for your motherboard, but please check if I searched for the correct board.
Jan 27, 2024
Well, thankyou for that! That sight was so much more accommodating than The Asrock Motherboard site. Amazon has these which should work for me. Hope 16 is enough but then no gaming involved.

G.Skill RipJaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin SDRAM PC4-28800 DDR4 3600 CL18-22-22-42 1.35V Dual Channel Desktop Memory Model F4-3600C18D-16GVK​

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Jan 27, 2024
I completely memtested the Vengeance and it passed with flying colors. Have switched it out for the new G.Skill and all is good. Kinda. Putting the Vengeance up for sale with the due warning about Ryzen and the QV list. Have found after setting vram at 4 gigs it 'just' works. Felt that to be completely home free I need to up the ram to 32 gig so another 16 is on the way. I did bump up the vram to 8 and feel it is hogging it a bit. So hopefully this final coming addition is the end of it.
I completely memtested the Vengeance and it passed with flying colors. Have switched it out for the new G.Skill and all is good. Kinda. Putting the Vengeance up for sale with the due warning about Ryzen and the QV list. Have found after setting vram at 4 gigs it 'just' works. Felt that to be completely home free I need to up the ram to 32 gig so another 16 is on the way. I did bump up the vram to 8 and feel it is hogging it a bit. So hopefully this final coming addition is the end of it.
You may encounter issues by adding two kits of RAM together. There is a reason why they purposefully sell kits of RAM together, and that reason is those particular sticks of RAM have been tested to work together. Meaning combining two kits of 2x8gb together into a 4x8gb set may not work. Just warning you.
Jan 27, 2024
Being retired is the only reason I am wasting so much time on this. keeps me busy. Helper, your last statement of course has got me going again. The second set of identical ram has not arrived yet but your thoughts have sent me looking for pairs of 16s on the QV list. Easily found on Amazon, I have ordered a set of G.Skills 3600MHz at two for 32Gig. I use Amazon because of the fast and easy return policy. Am also doing this because the 2 16s are 50 bucks cheaper than the combined two sets of 16s. So, by the weekend I should be good to go. Fingers crossed.
Being retired is the only reason I am wasting so much time on this. keeps me busy. Helper, your last statement of course has got me going again. The second set of identical ram has not arrived yet but your thoughts have sent me looking for pairs of 16s on the QV list. Easily found on Amazon, I have ordered a set of G.Skills 3600MHz at two for 32Gig. I use Amazon because of the fast and easy return policy. Am also doing this because the 2 16s are 50 bucks cheaper than the combined two sets of 16s. So, by the weekend I should be good to go. Fingers crossed.
All good man, I should have warned you first. Sorry for a bit of wasted time. Post back if there are any issues.
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Jan 27, 2024
Thought I would do a follow up on my AMD problem. It's been a while and the problem did not go away. Went thru a variety of solutions that sometimes helped. but never cured. From other posts I decided that 3200 ram was the tried and true for this setup so that was what went in and stayed. And, as with this system instead of good ol plug and play Intel, I learned to set up my bios to a number of one, two, three steps (including clearing CMOS and reinstalling windows clean) to get the best running of the unit. With and without XMP. But it was obvious XMP was the way to go and discovered setting it say to 3200 and leaving the 'fabric' tab on auto was not right. Taking it out of auto and using the 1600 value seemed to help. But still had temporary lockups and then total freeze. So, AGAIN, I opted for a Graphics card and went thru the complete reinstall rigmarole just to be safe. RTX 3050 and was able to make it thru a few videos without incident. Then it started again. Am also using Rammap to clear cache frequently. At wits end I finally called a nerd buddy at a local computer store, had a long chat telling him the whole lurid tale saying could he check it out and he felt that I had pretty well covered the bases and I might be wasting my money with him. Then he popped the question that may just have changed everything. Asked weather it was just playing vids (VLC) or did it happen in Youtube also. As far as I could remember it did not happen in Youtube and this got me Googleing AMD 5700G and VLC to find I was not alone there either. People suggested lockups with both VLC and legacy WMP. As a long time user of VLC it was the last thing on my mind. I tried WMP and had lockups there too. Found the list of best free vid players and VLC was at the top. GOM player was next so I installed it and have not had a problem since. Pulled the GPU, packed it up and sent it back to Amazon and reset everything for onboard GPU use and am still waiting for the day I whip out the Remington and make the unit am X PC. (Kidding.)
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Thought I would do a follow up on my AMD problem. It's been a while and the problem did not go away. Went thru a variety of solutions that sometimes helped. but never cured. From other posts I decided that 3200 ram was the tried and true for this setup so that was what went in and stayed. And, as with this system instead of good ol plug and play Intel, I learned to set up my bios to a number of one, two, three steps (including clearing CMOS and reinstalling windows clean) to get the best running of the unit. With and without XMP. But it was obvious XMP was the way to go and discovered setting it say to 3200 and leaving the 'fabric' tab on auto was not right. Taking it out of auto and using the 1600 value seemed to help. But still had temporary lockups and then total freeze. So, AGAIN, I opted for a Graphics card and went thru the complete reinstall rigmarole just to be safe. RTX 3050 and was able to make it thru a few videos without incident. Then it started again. Am also using Rammap to clear cache frequently. At wits end I finally called a nerd buddy at a local computer store, had a long chat telling him the whole lurid tale saying could he check it out and he felt that I had pretty well covered the bases and I might be wasting my money with him. Then he popped the question that may just have changed everything. Asked weather it was just playing vids (VLC) or did it happen in Youtube also. As far as I could remember it did not happen in Youtube and this got me Googleing AMD 5700G and VLC to find I was not alone there either. People suggested lockups with both VLC and legacy WMP. As a long time user of VLC it was the last thing on my mind. I tried WMP and had lockups there too. Found the list of best free vid players and VLC was at the top. GOM player was next so I installed it and have not had a problem since. Pulled the GPU, packed it up and sent it back to Amazon and reset everything for onboard GPU use and am still waiting for the day I whip out the Remington and make the unit am X PC. (Kidding.)
When you put a .300 win mag through it make sure to post the video back here.
You say that, but I actually saw photos where one guy got mad at an older Dell PC, remember the ones with the white sides and silver front? Apparently the PC got so slow the guy took it outside and put a few holes through it with a 9mm or 45 something to that effect.