Ryzen 7 2700X no post


Dec 1, 2014
I have upgraded my CPU, motherboard, and RAM to a ryzen 7 2700x, asrock b350 pro4, and g.skill trident rgb ram 3200mhz. Here's the issue, the computer it booting but there's no display. Here's another thing, I was able to successfully enter the BIOS but only one time. Now there's no post at all. I am pretty sure that the bios came with the correct firmware to support the cpu.

Some things I've tried:
-Different RAM slots/Using one stick of ram
-Clearing CMOS battery
-reseating GPU
-using different sata ports
-not having any hard drives plugged in
-checking for loose cables

This doesn't make any sense since I was able to get into the BIOS once but now I can't. Any troubleshooting advice is respected.
What is the exact SKU of your RAM? Ryzen is very finicky when it comes to RAM compatibility, and I had an issue with booting on a kit of G. Skill RAM as well. Ended up fixing it by putting in my old kit of Kingston RAM which happened to be compatible.
Ryzen is known to have memory stability issues. It only "officially" supports up to 2933Mhz. Anything above that and your are risking boot issues and random crashes.
To fix the issue, try underclocking your RAM via the BIOS to 2933Mhz or if you cannot do that borrow or buy 2400Mhz RAM to boot and enter bios

If I'm able to get into BIOS with the lower frequency RAM, what should I do in there to make it support the higher frequency RAM?
It's most likely not going to run the ram at the speed rated by the ram manufacturer by default, it generally posts at 2133 MHz I believe. Then you'd have to change to the XMP profile in the bios to get the speed the ram is rated at.

As for why it's not posting, have you verified that the all the power connections to the motherboard are seated well? Is there anyway you can check to see if the motherboard is sitting on a standoff that might be shorting the board? Have you verified that the all the CPU pins are straight? Does your motherboard use an display for error codes, or does it use a speaker for beep codes?

As you've tried a fair amount of things, those are all that come to my mind at the moment.

Thats completely not true. Gen 1 Ryzen easily supports 3600mhz, the next gen even higher.

If he hasn't even configured XMP or the ram settings in the BIOS its running at 2400mhz anyway, that is not his problem, unless the ram somehow is straight up bad. The memory issues Ryzen had have been mostly cleared, some ram sets don't work well with it, but the Gskill Trident Z that the OP has is one of the ram kits that does always work.

could also be a motherboard failure as well.

yea , I would agree , I have trident Z rgb 3200 ram 8x2 16gb in my ryzen 7 2700x , ram is OC'd @ 3200 , never had a problem , always boots fine , In my bios it reads 3200 and w/ HWinfo it reads 3200.. . ryzen is very dependent on higher ram . could be bios issue , mobo or ram issue .