Question Ryzen 9xxx memory overclocking limits ?

Aug 17, 2024
Leaving aside usual wisdoms (latency more important than bandwidth, Ryzen 4/5 sweet spot at 6000-6400MHz etc) how high can 9xxx IMC get frequency-wise ?

Can it reliably hit 8400MHz with two nice single-rank 24GiB DIMM sticks ?
Can it get there with two fast dual-rank sticks ?

I'm not asking for gaming machine, but for 16-core setup that really could use extra bandwidth.
With 7xxx and 9xxx series 8000-8400MHz is another sweet spot, once one accepts that it has to flip the switch for gearing 2:1.

It has no downsides if one has even cycle latency Trc, as at 2:1 gearing IMC can issue a command on every other cycle.
And at that frequency memory frequency gets nicely aligned with maximal IF frequency (exactly 2:1), so there are no syncronisation delays.

Win-win, provided that one can get there with Ryzen 9xxx.
I know that Ryzen APUs 8xxx can, but that's another story.

And if it can do it reliably, it would be nice if one could do it also with bigger, dual-ranked 48GiB and 64GiB sticks...
Anyone with an experience to share ? 🙄
With the amount of stress the integrated memory controller would undergo, you'd be pumping more voltage through the chip to cause it to prematurely degrade. it looks good on a benchmarking score but not in the longevity department. To also add, you would need ot adhere to the memory QVL if you do want to go on the motherboard's advertised ~8400MHz speeds. I say advertised since pretty all of those numbers are cherry picked numbers of very strictly binned ram sticks.

With 7xxx and 9xxx series 8000-8400MHz is another sweet spot, once one accepts that it has to flip the switch for gearing 2:1.
Got a link to that? The sweet spot for the Ryzen's are 6000/6400MHz. I've built a system for a friend with a 7800X3D that was paired with Dominator Titanium's rated at 6600MHz though their latencies were tight.

Which leads me to state, instead of chasing behind a frequency, you should look into tightening the timings which has been proven to improve gaming performance(FPS).
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Got a link to that? The sweet spot for the Ryzen's are 6000/6400MHz.

I don't have one at hand, but I don't need it. Once one gets though nitty-gritty and understands how it works,, the logic is simple to follow.

There is also some guy on YT that does little else than tweaking parameters for maximal memory OC with different sticks etc.
He did just that with Ryzen 9xxx and explained various speeds.

But he wasn't doing it for constant use and he used high-end MoBo that not many would go for.
He did it also for extreme CPU overclocks, for which I don't really care that much.

Which leads me to state, instead of chasing behind a frequency, you should look into tightening the timings which has been proven to improve gaming performance(FPS).
I don't care that much about games.
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