Ryzen pc issues


Jul 26, 2017
I recently bought a Ryzen 1700x with gigabyte gaming k7 motherboard eith 16gb ram and noctua nh-d15, in a h440 case, my e-shop assembled this group of compants. After i used a evga g2 650w and a gtx780 ghz edition.
The first day random crashed and at the restart the pc showed me "8.1Gb riservati per l'hardware", in English 8.1gb reserved for hardware; so I thought it was an os problem because i didn't reinstalled Windows 10, so i bought an SSD which is going to arrive tomorrow, but after bsod memory management crashes i ran a memtest86, three hours without any errors but after i touched the case and pc went in crash. After i found a rubber at bottom of the case jumped out. I fixed it and pc worked well for a day, after at restart it shows me only 7.9gb i restarted it and worked well until it crashed when i was on the bed, without anyone touched the case. So i used an another graphics card, old and fanless (fan cable broken), only ssd and same thing, some times only 8gb and crash when i touch the case. Now the pc show me only 8140mb in memtest.
The computer crashes only when show my all 16gb, when it show me 8gb it doesn't run in crash when i touch the chassis

In less words it shows me often 8gb ram and when it show me 16gb it random crash or crash when i move the case.