Question Sabrent 7 port hub firmware update, is it safe?

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Jul 29, 2006
I have an HB-BUP7, a powered usb hub. IT was having issues and I thought it was defective, but it turned out that there was a firmware update that fixed it. however, the download on Sabrent's webpage gave off virus warnings.

I installed it on a spare computer that i use to experiment with and managed to get the software to update the firmware, and testing it on that computer it did fix it.

But if the firmware updater gave off the warnings, is the hub safe to use?
I was able to download the file using Google's Chrome app, then again it was flagged as malicious. One thing that does show up in the warning;
Files that are not common.

That being said, you managed to update the firmware on the hub. You're good to go with the hub and hooking it up to any platform, whether they are expendable or not.
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