Saitek (Slightly) Upgrades Its HOTAS Lineup With The X-56 Rhino

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Not fooled. This is a MADCATZ product.
Recommend waiting for a few Amazon reviews before buying...

When you click on the support links at the SAITEK website, it redirects you to MADCATZ.
The X55 and X52 are heavily documented on the Internet with abysmal quality control (high DOA count) and horrible tech support.
Agreed Spec. There is nothing posted about them acknowledging customer complaints and upgrading build quality. I'd hold off on buying.
I basically only read this article to find out what HOTAS stood for. I have no idea about the quality control, I haven't used a flight stick since I last played IL-2 Sturmovik in 2002.
Looks flashy certainly.
Saitek has been making these since before 2002. Though MadCatz has been making good controllers and peripherals for years as well, so I'm not sure why the despair if either of them is actually manufacturing this.
If I spent as much time on a sim as I used to... maybe. These (and a good set of rudder pedals) would be just the ticket. (They were also fun on Mechwarrior, back in the days of dialup, Kali and the Registry.)
Saitek has been making these since before 2002. Though MadCatz has been making good controllers and peripherals for years as well, so I'm not sure why the despair if either of them is actually manufacturing this.

... And they stopped in 2007 after being acquired by MADCATZ. There is no 'either'. Moreover, as I stated previously, the SAITEK support website redirects users to the MADCATZ site.
Since the acquisition, rampant quality problems reported (amazon, reddit, just a couple to look for).

Personally, I'm on my 4th X52 Pro within the 2-year warranty, with one of the warranty swaps being DOA.

Do your own research, it's your money...
I have had a 3/3 record for MADCATZ devices failing on me. So I really wouldn't recommend since Saitek is apart of MadCatz. I used to like the Eclipse keyboards as well.
It would be better for them if they got interviewed by site like Tom's Hardware and answered the hard questions about the hardware quality and if they fixed them. Otherwise just pull this new version until the issues are fixed, or forget it all together until they can get the Star Citizen controllers out. Honestly, with all of the bad reviews for the X55 on the web who are they trying to fool?
My X52 pro gained a full right Z-axis problem on month 6 of owning it. When I tried to contact customer support, they just ignored me. Serious...they ignored every attempt of contact.
Can anyone tell me what a good option is, then? I have an old Saitek X-45 that still works very well. But it's what, 15 years old? The last time I tried to play Star Citizen, I couldn't get it to stabilize my ship. I'd love to upgrade so something new for less than $300. Actually, I'd love to upgrade for less than $150. But what are the options since it appears my choice is between inexpensive crap, dodgy products for several hundred dollars, and Thrustmaster products for more than $400!?
Microsoft needs to bring back the Sidewinder force feedback! Shame none of these seemingly "nice" controllers have that feature anymore.
Logitech Force 3D Pro is the way to go.
Looks cool. I've learned to ignore claims of rampant quality issues with any product, because a few thousand bad reports (Making the ridiculous assumption that anyone has that much time on their hands for review reading) about a product with millions of units sold is hardly a large percentage of the install base, not to mention the web is dominated by trolls, liars, and exaggerators. it's not made of Adamantium. It will fail. EVERY TIME. 3/3 in a month, or in a decade? Be specific. and four products in two years is a bit much even for Walmart goods, much less Madcatz, so I'm going to assume that one is just a ThrustMaster fanboy on an ill-concieved mission.

Sorry. I need professionally collected statistics, Not anecdotal experiences. Especially considering that this planet is home to America: Land of the whiners and home of negativity. They're a major complicating factor that MANY STATISTICIANS HAVE STARTED DELIBERATELY ACCOMMODATING FOR!. THAT'S how bad it's gotten!
3/3 in under a month. Keyboard came with faulty monitor, replacement keyboard came with a faulty membrane. Gave up on the keyboard. Mouse started to wander track.
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